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Dmitry Bokarev

Japan’s Nuclear Power Industry: a Bumpy Road after Fukushima

Japan is the third most economically developed country in the world and one of the most technologically advanced nations on the planet. Up until 2011, it was also among the world’s leaders in nuclear power. There were 54 nuclear power reactors operating throughout the country that generated 30% of the energy consumed...

Dmitry Bokarev

Russian-Japanese Relations Developing Despite Dispute over the Kuril Islands

Relations between Russia and Japan are not all blue skies: the dispute over the Kuril Islands has hung over them like a dark cloud for many decades now, which is why two countries never signed a peace treaty after World War II. The most recent minor flare-up in tensions was in January 2020 in response to Japan’s National...

Dmitry Bokarev

Is China Turning Indo-Pacific Concept into Reality?

The concept of the Indo-Pacific as a region is relatively new. Western politicians and journalists began using it with increasing frequency as the confrontation between the West and China continued to intensify. The fact is that as PRC’s economic, political and military clout kept growing at an unprecedented rate in the last decade, the nation began to seek the status of...

Dmitry Bokarev