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Dmitry Bokarev

The NSR Project is Strengthening Kazakhstan-Chinese Cooperation

In recent years there has been considerable development in Sino-Kazakh relations. Trade, tourism and cultural interaction are all actively developing between the two countries...

Dmitry Bokarev

OBOR and the Terrorist Threat in China

As is well known, international terrorism is a threat to the whole world. But this problem is particularly acute today in Asia, and China is no exception. In spite of being one of the most successful Asian States, PRC also has internal conflicts which are a breeding ground for...

Dmitry Bokarev

The Role of China in the Fate of Somalia

The current events in Somalia cause even greater concern. Against the background of the severe economic situation and the military confrontation of the many groups, having divided the country into the spheres of influence throughout the...

Dmitry Bokarev