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Dmitry Bokarev

Russia May Become a Leading LNG Supplier in Asia-Pacific

The serious environmental problems faced by China in the past decade have forced it to reform its energy industry. One of the main changes has been the large-scale transition from coal to a more eco-friendly type of hydrocarbon fuel – natural gas. China’s decision to shield its...

Dmitry Bokarev

Russian Peaceful Atom is Supporting Peace in Africa

As is well-known, Russia is one of the most popular suppliers of nuclear technologies. The experience and high safety standards of Russian nuclear specialists are recognised throughout the world. Many developing countries in Africa...

Dmitry Bokarev

Can India Offer its Neighbors an Alternative to China's 'One Belt, One Road'?

As China continues to develop its 'One Belt, One Road' Initiative (OBOR, its main competitor in the region, India, is working on its own international infrastructure projects. These are aimed at strengthening India's influence in the region and providing...

Dmitry Bokarev