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Dmitry Bokarev

India and China en Route to Harmonizing Relations

China and India occupy first and third places in terms of economic development in Asia, respectively. Both countries have enormous land and human resources, sea access routes and big plans for further development. It is, therefore, hardly surprising that the two are in fundamental...

Dmitry Bokarev

Myanmar Leads Russia to the Bay of Bengal

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar (RUM is one of the important members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN. This country is of no small importance for the entire Asia-Pacific Region, and such important players as India, China, and the USA are fighting for...

Dmitry Bokarev

India and Afghanistan Strengthen Their Cooperation

The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (IRA is still going through hard times. The country is teeming with terrorist groups who are fighting both with the legitimate government and with one another. Many countries, including the US, believe that the issue should be resolved first and...

Dmitry Bokarev