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Caleb Maupin

Eurasia or NATO? Xi Jinping Visits “The New Europe”

Since 1991, most of eastern and southern Europe has solidly been under the economic domination of the United States and Britain. In addition to the dominance of western banking institutions like the International Monetary Fund and...

Caleb Maupin

Omar Mateen: Wahabbi Killer Created By US Foreign Policy

Omar Mateen, identified as the killer of 50 people in Orlando, is not just “some Muslim” as Trump supporters would identify him. He also not just some “some anti-gay bigot” as liberals and Democrats seeks to...

Caleb Maupin

Tiananmen, Trump, and the American Psyche

Over and two and a half decades later, the events surrounding the protests in Tiananmen Square in 1989 are suddenly being brought up in relation to the US presidential elections. The way in which the events are now being discussed...

Caleb Maupin