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Caleb Maupin

Syria, Linda Sarsour & The Crisis of Western Discourse

For many people in the west, the traditional political compass seems broken, and “left” and “right” are almost indistinguishable in a confused political mess. The controversy surrounding the Arab-American figure now embraced...

Caleb Maupin

Disarming ISIS Enemies? US “Arms Control” Sanctions Are Deeply Mistaken

The terrorist organization known as ISIS, ISIL, or Daesh is hated across the planet. Its crimes have horrified and shocked people in Iraq, Lebanon, France, and the United States. However, no people have suffered more from...

Caleb Maupin

Korean Crisis Ahead? A Growing Tinderbox in the South

As the first military hardware associated with the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, commonly called THAAD, arrives in the southern region of the Korean Peninsula, the tensions around and within the  region seem to be escalating...

Caleb Maupin