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Caleb Maupin

Greenspan Waves His Fist After Wall Street Shakes

As Americans brace for an economic downturn, adherents of free market ideology are busily assuring everyone that their ideas must be not be questioned. Just two days after the Stock Market dropped on October 10th, the front page of the Wall Street Journal’s Weekend Review featured...

Caleb Maupin

Pope Francis & Beijing: The Geopolitics of the Vatican

The Roman Catholic Church and the Peoples Republic of China are set to sign an agreement, which would formally end the hostilities between these two entities. The Chinese government will formally acknowledge the Pope as the leader of the Catholic Church in China. In exchange, the Pope...

Caleb Maupin

Petro-Socialism in Scotland? Oil, Gas and Independence

As the Brexit process moves forward, calls for a second Scottish Independence Referendum are picking up steam. The SNP is calling for a second referendum, paving the way for Scotland to leave the United Kingdom, and remain in the EU. Imagine the people of a country, faced with...

Caleb Maupin