Caleb Maupin
29.01.2020 Caleb Maupin

A video of Paula White, the pastor, and televangelist, became a hit sensation on social media among those who dislike US President Donald Trump. The selected clip from her Jan. 5th, 2020 Sermon portrayed the spiritual guru, who is loosely connected with the commander-in-chief, uttering the words: “We declare that...

18.12.2019 Caleb Maupin

Donald Trump recently announced changes to the US Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, commonly called “Food Stamps.” This program enables low income Americans to buy food. As a result, 750,000 people will immediately lose their food assistance, while it is expected that as many as 3 million will be deprived of their benefits in the near future...

09.12.2019 Caleb Maupin

Since the 2016 elections, the Democratic Party has been calling out President Trump for his alleged ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Even after the investigation of Trump for “collusion” has been concluded, new hearings regarding Trump’s dealing with Ukraine...

16.11.2019 Caleb Maupin

Everyone wants to predict the future. This is why for thousands of years astrologers, sorcerers, and psychics have continued to rake in money, despite science debunking their supposed abilities. Every human being goes through life engaging in actions based on a calculation of what the consequences...

05.11.2019 Caleb Maupin

Three years into the Trump administration, the USA has certainly escalated tensions with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Iran deal has been “ripped up,” new sanctions have been imposed, and the threat of war becomes more intensely visible amid a cycle of regional maritime incidents often involving the oil industry. However...

23.06.2019 Caleb Maupin

The folk songs carefully arranged by an American composer in 1950, contains subtle lessons amid the political turmoil of 2019. On June 17th in St. John’s Church in New York City, tenor Everett Suttle gave a vocal performance accompanied by pianist Daniel Kirk Foster. The Greenwich Village event was sponsored by the Foundation...

04.06.2019 Caleb Maupin

The Trump presidency represented a solid break with the longstanding norms of right-wing politics in the USA. Trump campaigns as a foul-mouthed populist who criticized military interventions and seemed champion “the little guy” hurt by trade deals and Washington...

04.04.2019 Caleb Maupin

Many Americans base their entire view of the world, and their understanding of the relationship of the United States to other countries, on the contents of a college-level “Economics 101” course. They view the world market as a land of...

26.03.2019 Caleb Maupin

While free market countries across the developing world remain deeply impoverished, China and Viet Nam have both seen impressive increases in living standards during the past several decades. Public voices in the western world give all credit for this to “liberalization,” but...

16.03.2019 Caleb Maupin

Among the inner circles of the American financial oligarchy, some think that North Korea is an existential threat to the hegemony of western capitalism that should be met with nothing but shunning, sanctions and military threats. However, others think the DPRK could be a huge...

10.03.2019 Caleb Maupin

Defenders of unregulated globalist capitalism often compare economic conditions in North Korea to those in South Korea as an argument for their policies. This is a completely fallacious argument, ignoring the actual history of how the Korean Peninsula has developed since 1945...

06.03.2019 Caleb Maupin

The Silicon Valley monopolist Mark Zuckerberg, who controls the social media empire known as “Facebook” finds himself in an increasingly tough spot. Certain forces within the western political establishment want him to exercise his power more ruthlessly, but he realizes this...