Caleb Maupin
16.08.2014 Caleb Maupin

Since the overthrow of the Baathist government in 2003, by means of a direct US military invasion, the primary goal of the United States in Iraq has been fomenting sectarian civil war. The new government, set up at the barrel of US guns, barred any former Baathist...

11.08.2014 Caleb Maupin

The concept of “supply and demand” is a basic in economics. The rarer a commodity or resource is, the more it costs. The more abundant a resource or commodity is, the less it costs. Scarcity increases an items market value. Oil and Natural Gas, despite government subsidies...

09.08.2014 Caleb Maupin

A hearing before US Congress House Committee on Foreign Affairs on July 31st included testimony from a photographer. The photographer, who had his face concealed, and only gave the names “Caesar”, alleged that Bashar Assad was torturing people...

02.08.2014 Caleb Maupin

Germany and the United States, two western imperialist countries, are moving further and further away from each other. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has spoken against Obama in harsh terms, condemning...

24.07.2014 Caleb Maupin

The US news media is buzzing about the Malayasian airline which was downed from the sky in Ukraine. Some questions are being raised. Some are asking “Why did Ukrainian air traffic controllers not stop the flight from passing through...

20.07.2014 Caleb Maupin

In the 1984, millions of people in movie audiences in the US were subjected to a right-wing action movie entitled “Red Dawn.” The film depicted a Soviet-Cuban-Nicaraguan invasion of the United States. It starred Patrick Swayze as a leader...

13.07.2014 Caleb Maupin

A recently leaked audio recording of US secretary of state John Kerry reveals him saying that “Israel could become an apartheid state.” For anyone familiar with global politics or the ongoing crimes of Israel, his statement sounds quite...

05.07.2014 Caleb Maupin

The Chinese province of Xinjiang has recently become the site of an episode of violent terrorism. A suicide bombing has killed 39 Chinese people in a market place, and in addition, 29 were stabbed to death at a train station.  The response...

27.06.2014 Caleb Maupin

In Syria, a campaign of violent terrorism has been going on since 2011. Over 150,000 people are estimated to have already been killed. Millions have been displaced, forced to become refugees, either within Syria, or in neighboring countries. Since beginning of this violent insurgency...