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Caleb Maupin

Revolutionary Yemen Faces Wall Street-Saudi Attack

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the most repressive regimes on earth. The regime does not bother to hold fraudulent elections, or even pretend to be in any way democratic or respecting of human rights. The king is the absolute dictator, and the country...

Caleb Maupin

The Global Crisis of Exports: Oil, Steel, and Guns

The revolutionary government of Venezuela is facing great challenges. In 1999, the Bolivarian government began the process of transforming the country into one that serves the people, and in 2002 successfully defeated a US-backed coup against it. The Venezuelan...

Caleb Maupin

Crimea Deceptions Continue, One Year Later

Crimea is a strategically vital region that has been associated with Russia for centuries. Those who live in Crimea mainly speak the Russian language, and identify with Russian culture and history. It was only in 1954, that Crimea was declared to be part of the Soviet...

Caleb Maupin