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Caleb Maupin

Nazis To Enforce Neoliberalism: “Operation Jade Helm” and the Ukrainian National Guard

On July 15, the United States military began practicing “counterinsurgency” warfare in the southwestern regions of the country. In nine different states, the Army Green Berets, Navy Seals, US...

Caleb Maupin

Who's been Blocking A Deal With Iran?

Most people in the United States have no hostility to Iran. Despite deceptive media campaigns and confused propaganda, the average person in New York, California, Texas, Iowa, Alabama, or Michigan does not believe that the Islamic Republic of Iran is...

Caleb Maupin

US Tanks Defend Poverty in Eastern Europe

The latest villain in the 24/7 Hollywood melodrama known as cable news is Vladimir Putin. People across the United States are being told they should be terrified of him -- and that, subsequently, they should support economic attacks and military encirclement of...

Caleb Maupin