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Bakhtiar Urusov

The USA wants to make the Japanese and South Koreans go to war with China

The USA wants to make the Japanese and South Koreans go to war with China

The United States continues to strengthen Japan’s position as its main political and military “viceroy” in Northeast Asia. Is a war with China imminent by the hands of the people of Japan and the Republic of Korea? How do the citizens of these countries feel about it? Until recently, the escalating 2018 conflict between Japan and the Republic of Korea over several historical issues, including disagreements over compensation for South Korean victims of Japan’s wartime forced labor, was a significant…

Bakhtiar Urusov
How the USA is destroying the OPCW

How the USA is destroying the OPCW

A major international event in disarmament and weapons control is coming soon. At the Fifth Review Conference of the Chemical Weapons Convention, which will be held in the Hague from May 15-19, 2023, countries will sum up the results of another five-year cycle of state compliance. But it can already be argued with certainty that there won’t be any breakthrough that would improve international security. There is far too much distrust between the Convention’s essential parties, Russia and China on the one hand, and the USA, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany on the other. The West will try once again to blame Bashar al-Assad’s government…

Bakhtiar Urusov
New tensions on the Korean Peninsula: who is to blame?

New tensions on the Korean Peninsula: who is to blame?

This spring on the Korean Peninsula has been hot so far. The United Nations Security Council held a meeting on the North Korean issue at the end of March, at the request of the United States and its allies. The reason was another missile launch carried out by Pyongyang on March 16. The US condemned Pyongyang’s actions, stressing that the Security Council should have responded with a resolution that was appropriate. Miroslav Jenča, Representative of Slovakia, made a report in which he indicated, in reference to another missile launch by the DPRK, that the situation around the peninsula was heading in the “wrong direction.” North Korea carried out another missile launch on April…

Bakhtiar Urusov