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Alexandr Svaranc

The crisis in the Middle East continues to escalate

Israel maintains its policy of seeking a military solution to the Palestinian issue in the Gaza Strip. Despite the increasing anti-Israeli sentiment and calls for a cessation of hostilities, Tel Aviv remains committed to ending the Hamas political and military presence. Meanwhile, the government of Benjamin Netanyahu must respond to the mass protests of Israelis demanding the release of hostages still held by enemies…

Alexandr Svaranc

Netanyahu is an obstacle to peace in the Middle East ...

Netanyahu has not accepted Hamas’ conditions for another ceasefire. Consequently, the war in the Middle East continues and the peace deal is delayed. The talks between William Burns in Paris and Anthony Blinken in Riyadh and Aman failed to achieve their goals. Through Hillary Clinton, Washington is offering Benjamin Netanyahu’s resignation. Apparent disagreements with the US administration on the idea of recognising a Palestinian state motivate the head of Israel to expand the conflict in southern Gaza. The Refah operation threatens to internationalise the conflict and drag Egypt into it…

Alexandr Svaranc

Turkey — Sweden: “Political negotiations” were held...

On January 23, the Turkish parliament approved Sweden’s accession to NATO. This event was expected by some, and some, referring to the position of marginal Turkish political forces such as Patriotic Party with its Chairman Doğu Perinçek or the local Communist Party, held out hope for Turkey’s intransigence on the Swedish issue. However, the hopes of the latter did not come true due to Turkey’s traditional diplomacy, which is linked to its strategic security with the US and NATO. Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov warned that NATO accession of Finland and Sweden…

Alexandr Svaranc