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Alexandr Svaranc

Russia is going to open a consulate in North Nicosia

According to mass media reports confirmed by the Russian Embassy in Cyprus, Moscow has declared plans to open a consulate in North Nicosia, the capital of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), to defend Russian Federation residents’ civil rights and freedoms. Other than Turkey, no one recognizes Northern Cyprus. According to the Russian Ambassador to the Republic of Cyprus Murat Zyazikov, the decision is justified by the TRNC’s growing Russian community, whose civil interests must be preserved and ensured, for example, in order to satisfy their election rights, as Russia’s presidential elections are set for 2024. At the same time, it is noted that the number…

Alexandr Svaranc

Where is Afghanistan and where is Zangezur...

Afghanistan continues to be an area of instability in Asia, with multiple internal and external political conflicts, both ongoing and potential, no socioeconomic stability to speak of, and new waves of irrational migration being created as we speak. The obsession with starting wars has returned to a nation where generations have been educated in a warlike attitude and where there are no work conditions. Furthermore, in order to create controlled disorder in the Asian stage, various centers of power frequently start such a crisis from the outside…

Alexandr Svaranc

Turkey expects the grain deal to continue. And what does Moscow expect?

The restoration of Russia’s interests was repeatedly noted publicly and clearly before and after the Russian government withdrew from the Grain Deal, or rather, suspended its participation in the Istanbul agreements of 2022. The terms of the grain deal return to the interests of Russia: the lifting of sanctions on the export of our agricultural products and fertilizers; the connection of the Russian Agricultural Bank to SWIFT; permission to import spare parts for agricultural machinery; and the repair of the main ammonia…

Alexandr Svaranc