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Alexandr Svaranc

Question of Sweden’s NATO Membership Trapped between US Corruption Scandaland Turkish Parliament’s Decision

As you know, in July this year at the NATO summit in Vilnius, the key topic was the issue of the alliance’s enlargement and the Turkish parliament’s decision on Sweden’s membership. President Erdoğan at that time promised his allies to take a favorable view of Sweden’s status in NATO, provided Stockholm supports Turkey’s accession to the EU. In other words, the Turkish leader did not emphasize the problem of Kurdish separatism in Vilnius and did not strictly adhere to the list of extradition to Ankara of Kurdish extremists who had found refuge in Sweden…

Alexandr Svaranc

A Turkish drone in Syria has become a target of the US Air Force – an accident or a signal?

This autumn turned out to be rich in conflict events in politics. There is probably a certain regularity here, as politicians have finished their summer holidays; the world is still torn by a number of conflicts and contradictions; and the likely warfare in some regions, as a rule, perceives autumn as the best period for launching offensive operations. The Russian-Ukrainian military-political crisis has caused a serious division in the international arena, while the economic war of the collective West led by the United States against the Russian Federation in the form of tough sanctions has predetermined the search…

Alexandr Svaranc
The Turkish lira

The Turkish lira is once again hitting record lows, as Erdoğan rushes to the Turani-an expanse...

Apparently, financial crises do not occur overnight, because they are preceded by whole series of events and unsuccessful decisions related to financial market conditions, contradictions of internal financial policy and external dictate of world currencies, mistakes made by one’s own government, and any number of other factors. In this regard, financial experts are able to write entire books (treatises) with explanations of the causes leading to any given financial crisis. However, politicians often ignore the scientific…

Alexandr Svaranc