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Alexander Orlov

Islamic State has Breached Saudi Borders

While the whole world was witnessing the dreadful terrorist attacks in France and the consequent 3.7 million march against terrorism, the Middle East witnessed an event that is in its significance is no less important or serious, if it is to be compared to the slaughter of...

Alexander Orlov

The U.S. is crudely interfering in Russian-Iranian relations

Iranian Oil Minister, Bijan Zanganeh, refuted statements of some Russian officials about an agreement between Moscow and Tehran regarding an exchange of Iranian oil for Russian goods and services. He added that the two countries cooperate with...

Alexander Orlov

Terrorists are Taking Hold of Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia’s authorities must have finally realized that Islamists are not to be played with, once the militants of the Islamic State carried out a terrorist attack near a Shia mosque in the Eastern Province of the Kingdom on November 4...

Alexander Orlov