Abbas Hashemite
09.11.2023 Abbas Hashemite

Recently, the 15th BRICS summit was held in Johannesburg, South Africa on 23rd August 2023. This summit garnered significant attention, as partnerships and alliances play a crucial role in shaping the contours of geopolitics. BRICS was established in 2009 with four member states including Brazil, Russia, China, and India. However, the inclusion of South Africa in 2010 resulted in the expansion of the organization for the first time, and it was renamed as BRICS. John O’Neill, an economist at Goldman Sachs, proposed the idea of BRIC for the first time in 2001…

05.11.2023 Abbas Hashemite

Pakistan’s foreign policy decisions have always been shaped by its security and economic needs. The country inherited an arch-rival on its eastern border, India, it had been a key ally of the United States during the Cold War. This posed Russia and Pakistan against each other. Pakistan acted as the major US non-NATO ally in the region during the Cold War. Relations between Russia and Pakistan saw some minor and temporary improvements during the Cold War era, but the latter has always used this enhancement of relations…

01.11.2023 Abbas Hashemite

Recently, Israel announced a complete blockade of Gaza, ranging from cutting communication facilities including internet and phone services to restricting the provision of basic humanitarian needs like food and water. Israel has also launched the ground invasion of Gaza after days of bombing civilians, residential buildings, and hospitals in the region. Many believe that the reason behind cutting off the internet and communication services is intended to conceal the war crimes and atrocities of the Israeli forces in the occupation of Gaza. According to the Human Rights Watch

27.10.2023 Abbas Hashemite

Historically, the United States has launched several wars under numerous pretenses, ranging from anti-terrorism to human rights and democracy. The United States’ victory in the Cold War made it the sole policeman of the world. This power helped the US to impose wars on different countries. These wars inflicted chaos and turmoil in the host countries. The United States possesses a history of interfering in the internal affairs of a score of countries around the world, especially the poor nations…

24.10.2023 Abbas Hashemite

The Russia-Ukraine conflict commenced in February 2022 when the former entered the latter. Most of the Western propaganda media channels put the ounce of this conflict solely on Russia. The West has completely blocked the Russian media. It has established unprecedented censorship and control over the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict to prevent the Western public from knowing the facts leading to this conflict. They portray it as President Putin’s ambition to revive the Soviet Union, ignoring the historical and geographical facts behind the conflict and his denial of any desire to revive the Soviet Union. Although ignorance is considered a bliss in some situations, this time it is proving a catastrophe because this event would affect the global geopolitics…

20.10.2023 Abbas Hashemite

Since the inception of Pakistan, the country has been one of the closest non-NATO allies of the United States. Pakistan has played a crucial role in the major US-led wars in the South Asian region, including the Cold War, the Afghan War in 1979, and the US-led War on Terror. However, the bilateral relations between the United States and Pakistan have always been transactional. The relations between the US and Pakistan have often waxed and waned according to the evolving regional situation. The two countries came close due to the changing regional dynamics, but once the storm subsided, their relations reached to a nadir. The need-based relations…

09.10.2023 Abbas Hashemite

Pakistan and India have always been competing with each other since their inception. The two countries took different paths to outdo each other after their independence. Pakistan joined the US bloc in the Cold War, while India opted to be a part of the Non-aligned Movement. Both countries have consistently been contesting for supremacy. This competition led to the nuclearization of South Asia as India developed nuclear weapons with a claim to create a balance of power with China. The former’s nuclear power frustrated Pakistan, and it also developed the nuclear weapon to ensure its sovereignty and integrity. Recently, India successfully landed the Chandrayaan-3 mission on the South Pole of the Moon…

23.09.2023 Abbas Hashemite

The United States policy shift from the Middle East to the Indo-Pacific has provided space for China to expand its influence in the region. China is now reshaping the regional dynamics in the Middle East by playing a larger-than-ever role. Recent developments in the Saudi-Iran deal and the inclusion of some Middle Eastern Countries in the BRICS indicate China’s interests in the Middle Eastern region encompass economic, geopolitical, and strategic issues along with traditional energy needs. China has established closer relations with multiple regional organizations for many years, but is now expanding…