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Abbas Hashemite

Simmering Tensions in Africa

Amidst the world’s focus on the Israel-Hamas war, tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia are simmering. Escalating tensions between the two countries have added to the political instability of the region. Recently, the two countries locked horns over the claims of Somalia, at the African Union summit in Addis Ababa – the capital of Ethiopia, that the Ethiopian administration attempted to refrain President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud from entering the venue…

Abbas Hashemite

Declining Unipolar World Order and Rise of BRICS

The dissolution of the Soviet Union and the fall of the wall of Berlin in 1989 gave birth to the unipolar world order led by the United States. Globalization also emerged as a byproduct of this unipolar world order. The United States succeeded in aligning most of the countries towards one singular interest, that of the United States and its allies’. The global supply chain network pinnacled to an unprecedented level during this era of globalization. Former US President George Bush proclaimed in his speech, in 1991, that this US-led world order…

Abbas Hashemite

Examining the Rising Trend Military Takeovers in Africa

For the past three years, Africa has been under an unprecedented wave of coups. The region has witnessed its 7th coup in Gabon on 30 August 2023. Coups at such a rapid pace in the African region have done great harm to the persistent efforts by the civilian governments in the region to dispel the reputation of Africa as a “coup belt.” Incessant corruption and insecurity in the region are some of the major reasons behind frequent military interventions in the region. Moreover, the failure of civilian institutions also provides the military with an opportunity…

Abbas Hashemite