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Search result for the query: international tribunal

US Funds New Protests in Libya

Against a backdrop of deteriorating living conditions, electricity shortages, rising fuel and bread prices, popular unrest has returned to the streets of Libyan cities since July 1 which, with the inaction of security forces, has degenerated into disorderly acts by angry crowds, accompanied by vandalism, arson and looting. Hundreds of protesters stormed the parliament building in the eastern...

Vladimir Odintsov

West Decries Philippine’s New Government - US-backed Protests Begin

Recent general elections in The Philippines appear to signal the island nation’s continued but gradual move out from under US subordination and its rise with the rest of Asia as China emerges as both a regional and global superpower. With Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. set to become the next president...

Brian Berletic

Afghan Issues in a Transformed World Order

The state and development of the Afghan issue seems to reflect all the flaws of today’s global order, which has also begun to “radically transform.” While the relevance of this kind of change process is more or less obvious, it is not clear where their generalized vector is headed. Furthermore, an important question seems to be whether the process develops “by itself...

Vladimir Terehov