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Will Obama Get Away With It, After Spending Two Terms Knee-Deep in Human Blood?

Grete Mautner, January 15

34523123123The other day, The American Conservative has once again dispelled the myth about the alleged greatness of the outgoing US president, who undeservedly received the Nobel Peace Prize. The media source would note that even more than any other president in the US history Obama relied on the use of brute force in his foreign policy.

It would note that Obama that is about to leave office will bear the unhappy distinction of being the only president to spend his entire tenure presiding over foreign wars. His “disdain of military force” is so strong that the US has bombed at least half a dozen countries on his watch, and his administration has assisted other governments in laying waste to one of the poorest countries on earth.

The American Conservative is convinced that to say that he has a “disdain of military force” might have seemed plausible eight years ago before he took office, but it is not credible to say this after eight years of Obama’s continuation, escalation, and initiation of multiple wars. The fact that he did not start even more or wage them as aggressively as some in Washington would like does not change any of that.

There can be little doubt that it’s all Obama’s fault, who has not simply occupied the position of the US president for eight years, but also enjoyed the authority of the commander in chief for that period, marked by thousands of civilian deaths across the globe, as it has been repeatedly stressed by a number of international organizations. Thus, the international human rights organization Amnesty International has recently reported that US-led coalition air strikes over the last two years in Syria claimed at least 300 civilian lives. According to Lynn Maalouf, who represents Amnesty International in Beirut, when analyzing the publicly available data, an impartial expert may come to the conclusion that the coalition forces didn’t not take adequate precaution measures to minimize civilian casualties. Last September a single US Air Force attack near Deir ez-Zor claimed the lives of 62 Syrian soldiers, while leaving at least a 100 more wounded. Lynn Maalouf notes that those soldiers weren’t terrorists or enemies of Washington, yet Western media sources fail to even mention this incident in their articles.

The strikes that the US Air Force carried out near the Syrian city of Aleppo last January resulted in over 40 civilians deaths. Earlier the bombardment of the Syrian village of Tokhars claimed the lives of 56, including 11 children. According to the official reports, a total of 67 civilians, including 17 women and 44 children, were killed in the period from May to July 2016 in the Syrian city of Manjib by American bombs.

According to the Airwars media portal, a total of 9,600 air strikes in Iraq and 5,000 in Syria resulted in the deaths of at least 1,584 civilians. It’s been noted that US warplanes dropped more than 52 tons of ordnance in the course of these attacks. However, the Pentagon deliberately downplays the number of civilians killed during its operations.

More than 20 civilians have become victims of the latest attack authorized by Barack Obama on January 3, when American B-52 bombers were used in the Iraqi Idlib province.

It should be recalled that because of the aggressive propaganda campaign launched by the White House against Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, a number of prominent political figures of the destroyed Yugoslavia, that had allegedly been committing bloody crimes, the International Court of Justice started a veritable hunt after these politicians.

However, for some odd reason, the International Court doesn’t seem interested in the war crimes committed by Barack Obama, who is directly responsible for the murder of thousands of civilians in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and other countries, even though there’s more than enough evidence against the Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

However, foreign citizens were not the only ones “to feel the light of Obama’s political genius on themselves”, since a great many of American families lost their sons and fathers due to the questionable decisions taken by the outgoing US president. No wonder that WorldNetDaily notes that Obama has been blithely watching coffins float by his entire presidency. In turn, a recent Gallup research shows that 60% of Americans believe that racism against US blacks got much worse under Barack Obama. And there’s a good explanation for this phenomenon, since there’s reports that the Obama administration hides rising murder rates in large US cities.

The question is will Obama be able to get away with all the crimes he has committed and will he be able to retain the Nobel Peace Prize laureate title after all?

Grete Mautner is an indepenent researcher and journalist from Germany, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.