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The United States and the Battle of Ideologies

Vladimir Odintsov, August 15

Source: Flickr

The development of economics, science and industry have also been actively used by Washington to strengthen the military might of its allies or to annihilate its opponents, even to the extent of using weapons of mass destruction in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

The world barely had time to enjoy computer technology and the internet before these tools, especially social networks, were used by Washington to destabilize the situation in a number of out of favour  countries and bring about a change in their regimes, as well as to inspire “color revolutions” and to mobilize the militants of various opposition movements and parties.

Now we are witnessing the United States’ active use of an ideological weapon to subjugate a growing number of countries and peoples.

The dawn of the new millennium marked a change of polarity in the political world. The 20th century was a turning point in this respect: a new element wedged into the traditional opposition of Western and Eastern culture and politics –  the ideology of the American state, namely the consumer society, in which the United States’ main goal is proclaimed in the Preamble to the Constitution of 1787 as being to “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity”. We should not forget that under the XIV Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the right to due process in the protection of life, liberty, or property belongs only to citizens of the United States [1]. The contemporary values proclaimed by Washington lie in enjoying life to the full. In achieving their goals, U.S. citizens are restricted only by a ban on harming the general welfare of the American people. At the same time, we note that the U.S. Constitution makes no mention of life being the supreme value. In addition, not a single one of the Ten Commandments is reflected in this document that forms the foundation of American society.

In the 20th century, Washington was frightened by the ideology of communism and socialism proclaiming equal rights and responsibilities for all. Using the shortcomings of Soviet ideology and economy, the United States initiated the collapse of the USSR and the socialist camp. Believing that people devoid of ideology would be completely under the power of the consumer society’s false values, the United States lost sight of the possibility of a revival of the religious factor. Having become devoid of political ideology, the people returned to ancestral beliefs: Orthodoxy and Islam.

As its foundation, any society usually uses religion or ideology. Societies based on recognition and respect for human rights, with strict adherence to the norms of religion, are substantially stronger than societies united by political ideology or purpose. The Western world will always resist Orthodox Christianity and the Islamic world because of the latter’s strong religious foundations, which the West considers archaic [2].

Realizing the power of religions, Washington began to systematically replace true values with false ones, destroying the fabric of society and the family with the so-called struggle “for the freedom of same-sex love”. The U.S. began to distort the essence of Islam, presenting it as a religion inextricably linked to terrorism. In the fight for oil and gas resources, this factor was decisive. The fragile unity of the Islamic world was suddenly destroyed by a devastating onslaught of hostile ideology of Islamic fundamentalism. 

In further confrontation with disagreeable countries of North Africa and the Middle East, the United States used the lack of strong, centuries-old political foundations in many of them, particularly in Libya and Egypt, which in the second millennium were inhabited by peoples leading largely nomadic ways of life, and whose relations were characterized by clan-blood ties. The political institutions of these states were created artificially in the late 19th-early 20th centuries under the influence of the Western political elite. Moreover, clan relations have remained in North Africa and the Middle East to this day, which allowed the United States in some countries to completely cut down the top leadership in its entirety and destabilize society, leaving it without a ready successor government. At the same time, the repressions that the countries’ leaders and their families were subjected to, continue to this day [3].

But why did the American blitzkrieg in Syria fail? This is due to the fact that, unlike Libya and Egypt, statehood in Syria has a long history, and the Syrian people are used to living under a strong government that ensured them stability and protection from internal contradictions, as well as from external aggression. Also, do not forget about the religious factor, which has always been one of the pillars of the Syrian state.

Today esotericism, as served up by Washington, is becoming the new religion of modern Western society, while native religions and beliefs that have evolved over millennia, built on the unity of the people, mutual respect, and high moral and ethical principles, have begun to lose their position among the population. A concealed substitution of true with false is taking place; the ideological foundation of society, the government and the state is being destroyed. At the same time, the United States is pursuing a simple goal: when ancestral beliefs are reduced to nothing, states lose their identity and become easy prey in the hands of manipulators, because nobody will be able, from a moral and ethical position, to explain the need for identity of these peoples.

And henceforth Washington follows an already-proven scenario, creating a completely subordinate consumer society, which is ready to change the regime by itself.

Vladimir Odintsov, political analyst, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”. 

[1]  In comparison, the French people, adopting the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen  in 1789, defended every person, securing their right to liberty, property, security and resistance to oppression (Article 2) and equality (Article 1). Later on in Europe these principles became the basis of all constitutions. Today, all around the world, personal rights belong to everyone regardless of their nationality, and are inalienable.

[2]  It is noteworthy that Far Eastern culture, characterized by its variety and prevalence of esotericism, has become very popular in the United States in recent years. In contrast to the fundamental religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), belief systems prevalent in the states of Southeast Asia are mostly focused on the needs of each person, which are determined by the individual themselves.

[3]  On July 31, a cousin of Muammar Gaddafi – Ahmed Ibrahim, who served in the past as Minister of Education – was sentenced to death.