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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Journal NEO, December 25

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Dear readers and authors of the New Eastern Outlook!

We sincerely wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024!

The passing year of 2023 has been filled with many challenges and difficulties. Crises in the political process in a number of regions of the world led to armed confrontations, terrorist acts and exacerbated the already difficult economic and energy situation in many countries. In the Middle East, a sharp escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict risks destabilizing the region as a whole. Attempts by the international community to resolve the conflict and achieve a sustainable ceasefire have so far been unsuccessful.

The conflict in Ukraine continues with the support of the United States and its satellites. The West declares ceasefire negotiations unacceptable, pushing the Kyiv regime to escalate hostilities and exposing Ukraine to future catastrophe.

And yet, 2023 saw many significant events took place in different areas of life. The multilateral international organization BRICS is rapidly gaining credibility, which will be replenished with 6 new members in the coming year. The Russia-Africa summit in St. Petersburg confirmed the commitment to jointly build a new, fairer multipolar architecture of the world order based on the sovereign equality of states and mutually beneficial cooperation.

The passing year has finally buried the West’s hopes for international isolation of Russia, which has a huge number of partners in the world, and who did not support the sanctions against our country, explicitly or secretly approve of our actions.

The editors of the New Eastern Outlook would like to thank our authors and readers for their contributions to the efforts of the global community to improve the political climate on our planet. Thank you for your continued support and partnership. We look forward to working with you in the coming years.

We wish all our dear readers in the New Year 2024 family happiness, peaceful skies, health, further success in good deeds and endeavors.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2024 to all of you!


Editorial Board of the “New Eastern Outlook

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year