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American Ambassadors: Old Dogs and Old Tricks

Vladimir Odintsov, February 16

563333In recent years te US prestige around the world has been deteriorating rapidly due to the unpopular, outright failed policies, which is forcing the White House to go back to an old and dusty book of tricks that had previously been used by to create an image of prosperity and happiness. In actuality, a number of states around the world paid a bitter price in an attempt to recreate this image, which led to a wave of “color revolutions” in pursuit of “American-style democracy”, due in part to the actions of Victoria Nuland, John McCain and the likes of them. It’s no wonder then that there’s nobody left in line for some more US-style democracy.

The stagnant US political machine is extremely reluctant to change its ways, therefore it is repeating the scenarios that have already been tested, regardless of the fact how poorly they fared previously.

It’s useful to recall the theatrical show featuring evidence of “Saddam Hussein’s WMDs” that were displayed by US Secretary of State Colin Powell at the UN Security Council to justify American military aggression against Iraq. The White House couldn’t have cared less about the fact that there were no weapons of mass destruction to be found in Iraq so long as the trick worked, and now it seems that the sitting Secretary of State – John Kerry apparently has some hope that pulling a similar trick once again will allow him to obtain the international support needed to unleash new aggression, this time against Syria .

This habit of using old tricks has already become a tradition in the White House, therefore the United States started using old ambassadors that have proved their “efficiency” in the creation of unrest, social conflicts and consequent “color revolutions”. Some of them were summoned back from retirement, even despite their age!

To create “pre-revolutionary conditions” and draw from the personal experience of unleashing “color revolutions” the White House has sent John F. Tefft, an ambassador to Moscow back in 2014, even despite the fact that he is far from being “sympathetic” with Russian. This diplomat was behind revolutions in Georgia and Ukraine, where he had previously worked.

Another example of Washington’s dubious practices can be traced in Kyrgyzstan, where the former Ambassador Pamela Spratlen who had failed in creating “revolutionary preconditions for regime change” was “temporarily” replaced by a 78-year-old diplomat Richard Monroe Miles. The specified appointment looks alarming since the now retired Miles is widely known as “the architect and ideologist of the Georgian revolution”, that has made a number of states since suffer severe political crises.

According to his official biography, Richard Monroe served in the Marine Corps from 1954 to 1957 which may be the reason for his devotion to the armed regime changes he’s been behind. After obtaining his university degrees, he entered the U.S. Army’s Russian Institute in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, where Western special services had been preparing “anti-Soviet specialists”. Miles began his diplomatic career back in 1967, after working in the US diplomatic missions in Oslo, Moscow, Belgrade, Berlin, and then curiously appointed Consul General in Leningrad.

For the first time Miles served as ambassador to Azerbaijan in 1992, where he “witnessed” the transition of power from the nationalist government of Abulfaz Elchibey to Heydar Aliyev.

Then, from 1996-1999, when Slobodan Milosevic was still in power, Richard Monroe Miles was appointed ambassador to Yugoslavia, where he oversaw the Kosovo War and the slaughter of Kosovo Albanians. He left the country as NATO forces started bombing it to the ground. The sad course of events in this country is now well known: Milosevic declared himself the winner of the presidential election, however, since the opposition led by Vojislav Kostunica refused to recognize the results, Milosevic was forced to resign. Later on, due to the orders of Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic, Milosevic was forced to undergo a hearing in the Hague Tribunal.

In 1999-2000, when Miles headed the US Embassy in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Prime Minister Ivan Kostov lost parliamentary elections to a pro-American candidate Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha– the heir to the Bulgarian throne.

Between April 2002 and August 2005 Miles led the US Embassy in Georgia, then retired, but in November 2008 he was invited to work in the State Department and as Chargé d’Affaires of the US, when he was sent to Turkmenistan “for setting the story straight the American way.”

In 2004 Miles became the recipient of the State Department’s Robert C. Frasure Award for “peaceful conflict resolution”, which is curious since that very year saw the blossoming of “Georgian democracy” under Mikhail Saakashvili. This was the result of the “Rose Revolution”, which was directed by Richard Monroe Miles himself. He is also credited with preparations for the “soft assault” scenario of the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict. According to publications of Georgian and American journals at the time, Miles received 1.2 billion dollars to change the Georgia government on the back of his personal assurances that he’d be able to do so.

And now this famous author of “color revolutions” is sent to head the US diplomatic mission in Kyrgyzstan on the eve of the fifth anniversary of April’s events and the upcoming parliamentary elections. Furthermore, this May will see the final stage of Kyrgyzstan’s accession to the Customs Union (hated by the White House!) and, as a consequence, the accession to the Eurasian Economic Community, which cast a painful blow against US geopolitical interests and ambitions in Central Asia. Given the fragile inter-ethnic harmony in the south of the country, and the looming presence of Wahhabi elements in this very region ( that emerged there due to the ongoing meddling of Washington and Saudi Arabia), along with challenges the national economy faces and the ongoing rivalry between its political elites, the White House has already planned to create “revolutionary preconditions” that are to be created by Miles himself.

It is noteworthy that Miles will have the status of “temporary Ambassador”, hence according to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, he will need no Congressional approval. And so it is easy to guess that Washington wants to use this technicality to send such a controversial figure to Kyrgyzstan along with the insidious intentions he surely has in mind.

Under these conditions, Washington would never refuse to pursue new “color revolutions” in Russia and along its borders to put an end to the Eurasian integration processes. And it is quite possible that the White House will not only be using its ambassadors to do so, but may have tried to put other old tricks to “good use”.

Vladimir Odintsov, political commentator, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.