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US Citizens and Media on Russia’s Actions in Ukraine

Vladimir Odintsov, August 24


Since the beginning of the Russian special operation to denazify Ukraine, this issue has been on the front pages of every media outlet in the world and has been actively discussed.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation have repeatedly told the world community that the objectives of this special operation in Ukraine are to ensure the security of Russia and its citizens and to protect the Donbas from the attempts of the Kyiv regime, which with the active support of the West over the past 8-10 years has established a neo-Nazi state that is committing open genocide against the Russian-speaking population of this country. This special denazification operation is carried out in accordance with the UN Charter, within the framework of the rights of any state to protect its security and the lives of its citizens from external threats.

At the same time, it should be recalled that the US authorities, which today are the main accuser of Russia’s actions in Ukraine, have themselves repeatedly used the principle of “protecting national security.” And not even from systematic military actions by the enemy against its own country (as was the case with the Ukrainian Nazis in recent years), but only from pseudo threats, especially from Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan, to justify their open military aggression in the countries of the Middle East.

Having become the mouthpiece and initiator of the neo-Nazi policies of the current Kyiv regime imposed on Ukraine, Washington has been trying for six months to unleash anti-Russian disinformation propaganda through its lackey media, both in the United States itself and outside its borders, in order to create an anti-Russian front in the world.

As the famous American philosopher, historian, and linguist Noam Chomsky noted in his recent article in El Universal magazine, the United States and Europe have begun an unthinkable game against the Russian Federation, they are trying to weaken Russia’s position in the political arena as much as possible. “The position of the US government is very clear. This was clearly announced at a NATO meeting convened by the United States at Ramstein Air Base in Germany a few weeks ago, and then formally confirmed just last week at a NATO summit,” he said. As the American historian clarified, the alliance, including Europe, has accepted the official US position that Russia must indeed be weakened more than the 1919 Treaty of Versailles weakened Germany, so much so that it could not negotiate and engage in diplomacy. In his view, Washington’s apparent desire to involve Kyiv in NATO despite the objections of the Russian Federation and experienced American politicians is a provocation, and Moscow made it clear as long as 30 years ago that Ukraine’s joining the alliance would mean crossing the permitted line, which not a single Russian leader would agree to.

Early on in the Russian special operation, the American Daily Caller wrote that the United States had overestimated its strength, pointing out that events in Ukraine had shaken US confidence in being able to act as a “world policeman.” This was a real shock to the cozy “rules-based international order” that the United States has tried to establish for decades. The publication stressed even then that it is almost impossible to truly isolate a country as large, powerful, and resource-rich as Russia. There will always be those who want to support it as a bulwark against the West.

And this thesis was fully confirmed by the refusal of most countries of the world to condemn Russia for its unconditional right to protect its own security and the lives of Russians from the crimes of the Kyiv neo-Nazis. Just as Moscow has already liberated Europe and the world from the brown plague during World War II, so now it must again start such a war against neo-Nazism and open fascism on Ukrainian territory, which Washington and a number of current Western politicians have revived. It is therefore not surprising that the United States and the Western countries that follow it are today increasingly condemned by the world community as a haven of neo-Nazis who are trying to bring the world to its knees through the actions of a new plague of fascism.

Even the US Marine Corps, which openly fights on the side of Ukrainian neo-Nazis, confirming the turn of the United States into a party to the Ukrainian conflict, is increasingly coming to understand the justification of Russian actions, the falsity of the propaganda campaign of the US authorities on this issue and the fact that it is precisely the policy of Washington, and not Moscow, that is criminal there. This is exactly what the journalist and former marine who left for the DPR, John Mark Dugan, said recently.

US President Joe Biden’s administration and bipartisan lawmakers have already allocated more money to Kyiv in four months than the United States spent in Afghanistan in its first five years, according to US media. This situation and Washington’s policies have been heavily criticized in American society. In a July 9 op-ed, The New York Times argues that the United States and its allies are unlikely to be able to sustain current levels of support for Ukraine for long: “President Biden has pledged to support Ukraine “for as long as necessary,” but neither he nor anyone else can say at this point how long that will last or how much more the United States and its allies can do from this distance, short of direct military intervention. Officials concede that US and European weapons stockpiles will eventually be exhausted. Although the United States has approved $54 billion in military and other aid to Kyiv, no one expects another $54 billion check when that money runs out.”

The funds Washington has approved as “aid” to Ukraine are actually returning to the United States without reaching the recipient, a former adviser to US Defense Secretary Colonel Douglas MacGregor said on July 30 in an interview with Judging Freedom: Most of the money does not reach Ukraine, with vast sums ending up in Pentagon’s pockets as compensation to the armed forces for the fact that equipment and resources have been transferred to Europe.”

In early August, the CBS News channel aired the documentary “Arming Ukraine,” the trailer to which explained why most of the billions of dollars in military aid the United States sends to Ukraine does not arrive and only about 30% of the weapons reach the country. However, in order to clearly conceal the crimes taking place in Ukraine under the auspices of the US military, this announcement was soon removed under pressure from “influential forces in Washington.” However, US House of Representatives Representative Lauren Boybert (R-Colorado) has already criticized Washington’s military assistance to Ukraine, stating, “How many people have been called Russian bots for saying the same thing since March? Now that CBS has shown it, it’s completely normal. Whatever it was, I am glad the facts are out now. A lot of the aid to Ukraine is fraud.” A critical response followed from House Republican Marjorie Taylor Green (from the state of Georgia), “This is one of the reasons I voted against military aid to Kyiv. This aid has never had anything to do with the Ukrainian people.”

Back in early May, CNN reported that sources close to US intelligence agencies admitted that a large number of weapons supplied to Ukraine had entered the black market. At the same time, the publication stressed that more than 20 countries that have supplied billions of dollars worth of weapons to Ukraine should understand that a large part of the supplies never reaches the recipients. Moreover, there is an active resale of Western humanitarian and military aid in Ukraine. Therefore, journalist Ross Douthat’s call in the New York Times on June 5 for the United States to stop its financial support and arms deliveries in the current situation around Ukraine is not surprising.

In an interview with GaS Digital Network, a retired US Army colonel, former senior advisor to the Acting US Secretary of Defense Douglas McGregor emphasized that American society has yet to reconsider its views on the course of Russia’s special operation in Ukraine. Public opinion may not only be influenced by reports of massive Ukrainian casualties, but also by reports of the brutality of the treatment of Russian prisoners.

That US President Biden is already tired of Ukraine and that he does not need Zelensky is already openly written by many American media. In particular, the National Review points out that Biden sees where the conflict in Ukraine is heading and probably just wants to get rid of this “mess.” Even if Kyiv has to make “territorial concessions” to do so.

In an appearance on the talk show Piers Morgan Uncensored, American political commentator Ann Coulter accused the West of “neglecting the Russians for a very long time.” She stressed that Western countries should take care of their “own problems” and not get involved in supporting Ukraine, as it has “historically been a part and a zone of influence of the Russian empire.” In this context, she urged rejecting Ukraine’s admission to NATO, saying that after the collapse of the USSR the alliance’s existence had lost all meaning.

The unbearable living conditions in Ukraine and the mass exodus of Ukrainians from Kyiv-controlled areas to the Kherson region liberated by Russia were reported by CNN. Judging by the budget of the Kherson region for August, the region gets twice as much as it could expect under the Kyiv regime: Pensions in the liberated districts of the Zaporizhzhia region are already higher than the average Ukrainian and low compared to Ukrainian electricity and water bills disprove the claims of Ukrainian propaganda and prompt the people of Ukraine to support Russia’s policy en masse.

Vladimir Odintsov, political observer, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.