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CIA Torture Report Incriminates Dick Cheney

Gordon Duff, January 04

69646193Information received this week from the highest levels of US counter-terrorism sources have confirmed that the reputed “Queen of Al Qaeda,” Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, a CIA torture victim now serving 87 years in an American “super-max” prison, was a CIA agent when captured and was imprisoned to prevent releasing information that could eventually lead to the arrest and conviction of then Vice President Dick Cheney.

Siddiqui worked directly for Valerie Plame, a CIA agent purposefully “outed” when her husband, Ambassador Joseph Wilson, disproved White House claims of “yellowcake uranium” smuggling by Iraq.

White House Security Chief, Scooter “Libby” Leibowitz was convicted of the Plame leak, although sources now confirm that the “outing” of Plame was done at the orders of Cheney and was passed on to the media by retired General Paul Vallely, a Fox News employee who has recently been filmed meeting with leaders of the ISIS/Al Qaeda terror group in Turkey and reputedly Syria as well.

When Plame was “burned,” her assistant, Dr. Aafia, was then listed as part of the now debunked yellowcake “network” and fled to Pakistan, where she was kidnapped and taken to Bagram Air Force Base, as outlined in CIA torture records.


This week, the UK Telegraph published a lengthy article describing “convicted terrorist” Dr. Aafia Siddiqui’s process of radicalization and, quite frankly, defending her rendition kidnapping, her 5 years of rape and torture, and the murder of her children by CIA paid contractors.

If only this were the whole story, a cover up of torture as part of a war on terror. It is not. The Telegraph has a long reputation of being a cover story “drop box” for MI-6, so the story was passed around quickly among those who take a special interest in such things.

This week a source within the Able Danger investigation, working directly with the Department of Defense and IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) and part of the original team that brought down rogue FBI agent Robert Hansen as well, tells of a different story regarding Dr. Aafia Siddiqui.

She was a CIA agent targeted by the Bush administration because her operational unit, headed by Valerie Plame, one involved in NNP (nuclear non-proliferation) was ready to order the arrest of Vice President Dick Cheney and top officials of the US Department of Energy, the organization that, with the Department of Defense, maintains America’s nuclear weapons inventories.

Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger of the Reagan era, was arrested at his home one morning by a similar operational unit for crimes committed in the Iran-Contra Affair and was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice.

After the 2000 US presidential election where George Bush (43) won by a nose, compliments of a Supreme Court ruling, loyal elements in defense and security became convinced the election began a coup, as some of the principals being investigated for their involvement in illegally acquiring and distributing stolen US nuclear weapon pits were placed in top positions to block any attempts of their being exposed by the ongoing investigations.


After 9/11, the US set out to create what appeared to be a worldwide terror organization, in order to justify both a political crackdown within the US and, as had been made public on many occasions by former NATO head General Wesley Clark… the long planned military takeover of the Middle East and Central Asia.

Part of this plot involved creating a cover story involving 500 tons of “yellowcake uranium”, supposedly bought by Al Qaeda and transported to Iraq to supply a nuclear program later found to never have existed. The Bush White House, at the orders of Vice President Dick Cheney, went to a terrorist group within the Italian intelligence agency, SISMI, part of the group responsible for the Gladio terror bombings and the kidnapping and murder of Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro.

They created documents outlining imaginary transactions and sent them to CIA headquarters in Rome. SISMI chief Nicolo Pollari took the reports directly to the White House, where Cheney asked friends within the CIA and Department of Energy — part of a covert working team that included arms smuggler Victor Bout — to prepare reports citing the severity of the threat posed by these known forged reports.


A US Army intelligence group working within Israel, headed by Colonel James Hanke, had discovered that the nuclear weapons facility at Dimona had suffered a catastrophic accident between 1988 and 1990. Israel’s nuclear weapons inventory could no longer be maintained and expanded from domestically-produced weapons grade nuclear material.

Israel’s complicity was proven when, according to sources within the IAEA and Able Danger team, a combined operation between the US Department of Defense and Department of Justice, initially headed by FBI Agent John O’Neill, had discovered discrepancies in the US nuclear weapons inventory.

It was not just 350 missing nuclear pits, but fully one third of America’s post SALT II (Strategic Arms Limitations Talks) inventory. The records of our nuclear weapons inventory had been systematically sabotaged to hide this attack on America’s weapons inventory, or so they thought.

Able Danger established the presence of an espionage organization answerable personally to Benjamin Netanyahu. The organization included the then head of the Dept. of Energy, the AIPAC Lobby, the Anti-Defamation League, key commanders of America’s nuclear forces, the Joint Special Operations command under VP Dick Cheney, and members of the International Atomic Energy Agency, a UN organization.

Their investigation had tied corrupt officials at the highest levels of the US Department of Energy to the leak of classified nuclear “pit” configuration data and altering records of decommissioned nuclear weapons. Three hundred fifty W54 nuclear warheads were missing from inventories at the Pantex nuclear facility in Amarillo, Texas.

An investigation team led by Roland Carnaby, the CIA agent killed in a mysterious shooting in 2005, discovered that the missing “pits” had been stolen and taken to a nearby meat packing facility, where they were sorted using leaked DOE data in order to allow them to be safely melted down and reconfigured to replace the depleted Israeli stockpile.

Investigators from the DOE and IAEA confirm that weapons from this stolen stockpile were used in the demolition of the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001 — nuclear “pits” originally produced at the Hanford DOE facility in Washington. This information was part of the highly classified 2003 9/11 report given to congressional and White House leaders only, and later leaked by Russian Naval Intelligence, believed to have been among a trove of documents received from Edward Snowden.

In March 2013, a group of business executives meeting in Tulsa, Oklahoma, received a briefing on the 2003 “Nuclear 9/11” report as part of a “Threat Assessment Conference” where Veterans Today staff were among the presenters. The briefing also included a version of the now famous “Shrimpton nuclear scare” story, confirming the recovery of a missing nuclear weapon somewhere in the EU in 2012.


9997776Leaked documents on the Able Danger investigation, received in September 2014 revealed that most investigation functions had ended in 1998 at the request of President Clinton, then under impeachment threat tied to his relationship with Monica Lewinsky, in a reputed Mossad “honey trap.”

Investigative chief and FBI Special Agent John O’Neill left government service and pursued leads until his untimely death during the 9/11 “event”. According to a 2005 report, thirty-five of the Able Danger investigators were also killed on 9/11, when the Pentagon office they were called to for an emergency briefing by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Myer, (who did not show up for the meeting and did not die, a lucky day for him) was demolished by an airliner, though little or no physical evidence of such a happenstance exists.

After 1998, the FBI investigation team was divided into two units under the supervision of Special Agent Mike Dick; one team was tracking arms dealer Victor Bout, and was coordinated with IAEA investigators. The second unit investigated the theft of the “pit matching” documents and centered on the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, AIPAC, eventually leading to the arrest of leaders of that group.

Charges were later dropped when the White House refused to turn over required evidence, and Attorney General John Ashcroft, one of the key planners of the CIA torture program, ordered an end to the investigation. Witness statements included testimony indicating White House officials had passed key nuclear secrets to Israeli embassy representatives at a Washington cocktail party in the presence of both Paul Wolfowitz and Condoleezza Rice.

The second unit, assisted by CIA agent Roland Carnaby, followed the theft of nuclear weapons from the sorting facility near Amarillo to a fertilizer plant outside Waco, Texas. In April 2014, as Snowden reputedly handed Able Danger documents to Russian intelligence, the plant where the nuclear weapons were stored, the West Fertilizer Plant, was destroyed in a massive explosion, killing 15.

The entire operation was run by Victor Bout, working directly for the office of the Vice President of the United States, according to private sources with access to the Plame/Siddiqui investigation.

The nuclear pits had been moved by truck to the Port of Houston, where they had been placed on ships and transferred to the Canary Islands and later to Mauritania. The weapons were, according to Able Danger documents, stored at a mine controlled by former South African Prime Minister De Klerk inside a region controlled by the rebel Polisario Front. From there, weapons were sold to Taiwan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia and other nations, along with restocking Israel.

Other weapons were set aside for use by intelligence agencies. IAEA sources report weapons from Hanford/Pantex were used for the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, at the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia in 1996, the destruction of the World Trade Center in 2001, and the Bali bombing in 2005. The IAEA confirms up to 50 nuclear weapons have been used surreptitiously since 1945, often in configurations that minimize blast and radiation.


There are strange parallels in the story of two accused “Al Qaeda” operatives. While the general public thinks of Al Qaeda as a terror group, in truth, according to Able Danger documents, Al Qaeda is a joint operational sector of Saudi, Israeli and US intelligence. This dirty little secret has compromised American security greatly, due to the blackmailing position both of these countries have had over the US.

Two of the major “terror figures” of Al Qaeda, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui and Osama bin Laden, have been confirmed, at the highest levels, to be CIA operatives. After 9/11 both fled… Dr. Aafia to Karachi and bin Laden, who had recently received kidney treatments at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, where members of congress and top VIPs receive their care, to Tora Bora.

Bin Laden died of complications from advanced kidney disease on December 13, 2001, after denying any involvement in 9/11 and advising those concerned to “look closer to home” (CIA FOIA Press Release dated 24 September, 2001.)

The curious story of Bin Laden and his second “death” in Pakistan is similar to that of Aafia Siddiqui with her reputed murderous attack on her CIA captors during a waterboarding session at Bagram Air Force Base.

Prior to the release of the recent and highly controversial CIA torture report, the reputed actual “re-killer” of bin Laden came forward. The story, as we are told, has an aging bin Laden in the upper floor of a home in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Bin Laden is said to have leapt to his feet, grasping an AK47 in one hand while holding a hostage in another. While standing on a bed, bin Laden is brought down in a hail of gunfire, like something out of a cowboy film.

The Aafia story is if anything worse.

We are told Dr. Aafia, confined to a wheelchair, in this case “literally” held down by handcuff “tie raps”, was brought in for a waterboarding session. The US Air Force facility had been hosting summary execution and torture sessions for Aafia and other prisoners for years. Aafia had been raped repeatedly. She was down to 80 pounds and unable to walk.

There the story, an analog of the bin Laden tale, gets more bizarre. Dr. Aafia is said to have broken her tie wraps, listed as “ISO 527-1:2012 standard,” in a fit of rage. There were five men in the room, most over 200 pounds, four of whom were “special operations trained”, including one US Navy Seal, one CIA agent and two FBI agents. The fifth member was a “translator,” please pay attention as this will be an important point.

The crippled 80-pound torture and rape victim is reputed to have knocked all four men to the ground, seizing an M4 carbine from one of them. According to transcripts, in order to save the lives of the four “terror war-fighters”, the “translator”, using his weapon shot Dr. Aafia in the abdomen.

This is the crime Dr. Aafia was convicted of, not terrorism but resisting torture. Now here comes the most curious part of all. Dr. Aafia lived in the United States for 11 years, the wife of a Boston anesthesiologist. Aafia taught at MIT, where she received her doctorate in microbiology before joining the CIA.

Aafia had spoken English all her life, published in English and taught in English at one of the most prestigious universities in the world. Why did she need a translator? You just can’t make this stuff up… or can you?

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of Veterans Today, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook