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Instead of Biden, the White House is Changing its Megaphone

Vladimir Odintsov, May 11


With the nomination of Joe Biden for presidency, the United States has become a kingdom of buffoons, where politics has become a comedy and a farce.

As many US observers have pointed out, and as US public opinion polls show, Joe Biden has become one of the worst presidents in American history. Demonstrating a complete ignorance of the current world situation and incapable of making adequate diplomatic decisions, Joe Biden’s actions have contributed to a significant deterioration of the economic situation in the United States and, consequently, of the financial position of most ordinary Americans. The current occupant of the White House has managed to crash the stock market in just 15 months, triggered food shortages in the United States and lowered overall life expectancy. Many American observers, particularly Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson, believe that Americans have received an “unparalleled disaster” in the form of Biden.

Accusations of Russia committing “genocide against Ukraine” by US leader Joe Biden look hypocritical and cannot lead to anything good, New York Times journalist Ross Douthat said. The columnist added that Biden had provided no proof of his statement, nor had US intelligence been able to corroborate it.

With each passing day, Americans are becoming more and more discouraged by yet another “caveat” from US President Joe Biden, who scandalously confused Russia and Ukraine, for example, during his speech at the Lockheed Martin arms factory in Alabama on May 3: “We made sure that Russia had Javelin and other weapons to bolster its defenses so that Ukraine would be prepared for what would happen”…

The following day, during the awards ceremony, broadcast by the White House press service on May 4, the US president made two “jokes” about disabled athletes that bordered on the outright cynical:  “Wheelchair users, don’t jump for a photo. Blind people – look over there, into the camera.” After these words of the “US leader”, the broadcast of the event was interrupted…

At the end of April, Biden named the US Secretary of Education as senator. Only in recent months there have been multiple other “caveats” by the current White House head, notably with the proclamation of Vice-President Kamala Harris’s husband as “First Lady’s spouse” in March. In February, during a press conference after a meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, he “confused” which country – Russia or Germany – was threatening Ukraine with “military invasion”.  And his repeatedly reaching out after speeches at official events to shake hands with a blank space is already becoming a tradition… There have been numerous other similar “incidents”, not at all a good reflection of the cognitive abilities of the current US administration, as almost all the US media are already unashamedly writing about.

President Joe Biden’s rating continues to show negative growth: according to fresh statistics, the American public disapproves of his performance on all pressing issues, Fox News reports. According to experts invited by the channel, the upcoming congressional midterm elections are likely to result in many defeats for the Democratic Party under such conditions.

Following media reports of Joe Biden’s plans to run for a second term, Fox News was unable to find any supporters within the US Democratic Party for his re-election. US allies don’t even answer Biden’s calls, US media reports.

Vice-President Kamala Harris, whose behavior and “performance” has also been repeatedly criticized by the US media, including the New York Post, has been a match for Biden.

The White House “megaphone” Jen Psaki is no exception, who, as Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Russia 1 on January 11, has repeatedly framed the US authorities with her incompetent statements. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki often evades journalists’ questions even though she learns the questions in advance, unable to answer even with a cheat sheet, Fox News notes. Psaki has repeatedly been the target of criticism and parody, largely because of the caveats and confusions she has made when discussing world politics. Her real fame in the post-Soviet space came from the crisis in Ukraine, in the light of which she was credited with numerous sparkling remarks about tourists allegedly “fleeing Donbass to breathe the mountain air of Rostov”, or “about US plans to send the navy to the shores of Belarus”.

Under the circumstances, it is not surprising that US President Joseph Biden’s administration officials are keen to leave their posts as soon as possible in order to distance themselves from the current White House team. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on her Telegram channel on April 30 that the mood was decadent, amid a lack of confidence in the administration and in Biden personally. She noted in particular that Deputy National Security Advisor Daleep Singh, Biden’s Senior Public Affairs Advisor Cedric Richmond, Biden’s Senior Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy and several other officials wanted to leave the White House. Another “rat” reportedly fleeing a sinking ship could be John Kerry, the former Secretary of State and now the US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate.

In an effort to change its declining image somehow, the current US administration has taken the very cost-effective step of changing just the White House “megaphone”: Jen Psaki will step down as White House Press Secretary on May 13 to be replaced by Karin Jean-Pierre, who will become the first black American and LGBT woman ever to hold the post. Jean-Pierre is now Deputy Press Secretary in the US administration. As the US head of state said, “Karin not only brings the experience, talent, and integrity”, but “will continue to lead the way in communicating about the work of the Biden-Harris administration on behalf of the American people”.

As for Psaki’s own fate, the US media report that she has long planned to leave her position as press secretary and intends to take a job at MSNBC. But will her move boost MSNBC’s own ratings?

Vladimir Odintsov, political observer, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.