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A Drug-addled Parliament Rules the UK

Valery Kulikov, December 15


Lately, the more often you read British media material or speeches of politicians of the United Kingdom, the clearer becomes the thought: are they stoned or high on cocaine, commonly called “belted”?

Judge for yourself: in January, British journalist Helen Rumbelow of The Times wrote a review of The Great (TV series) about the earlier years of the Russian Empress Catherine the Great. First, Rumbelow married Peter the Great to Catherine II, most commonly known as Catherine the Great, when, in fact, Catherine the Great was the wife of the grandson of Peter the Great, Peter III. She was not even fazed by the fact that the main character is half a century younger than the first Russian emperor and that she was born after the death of Peter the Great.

Or look at the “wokist” British Royal College of Midwives, which used the definition of “postnatal people” instead of the words “women” and “mothers” in their new hospital guidelines. And, as the Daily Telegraph stated the other day, these “recommendations” use the words “parents,” “partners,” and “family,” but no “women” or “mothers.”

And what about the English Touring Opera Company’s decision to fire 14 white musicians, or half the orchestra, who have worked for 20 years since the opera company’s inception? Moreover, the accompanying letter cited the reason as a desire to achieve greater ethnic diversity rather than new performing heights following the recommendations of Arts Council of England.

Or the debate launched in Britain, Checkmate for “unfair” chess games: black gets two moves to start, the results of which are considered to change the centuries-old rules of chess and “to eliminate the unfair advantage enjoyed by players using the white pieces.”

And as for British politicians, they tend to get really carried away and start believing in that gibberish which they carry on after their “intoxicated friendly get-togethers.”

Yes, the UK has repeatedly been recognized as the most ‘cocaine using’ country in Europe. And the British media admit it, publishing, in particular, the shocking results of chemical studies which revealed serious concentrations of cocaine in the Thames! All the drugs are excreted from Londoner’s cocaine-using bodies, into the toilets, via the sewers and into the Thames. The results of the study, published in the Science of The Total Environment journal, were not too comforting. While the concentration of drugs in the water drops at least on weekdays in other British cities, it only increases in London, both on holidays and weekdays! And this was especially confirmed by water samples at the drains of the British Parliament building.

As for the main subject – the British Parliament – it should be recalled that this is not the first time traces of drugs have been found in its building in London, which confirms the lack of clear-mindedness of the Kingdom’s rulers. For example, in 2013, traces of cocaine were found there by journalists of The Sun tabloid. A newspaper correspondent entered the building undercover and utilized the tests used by the police and customs. Their results are 95% accurate. Traces of white powder were also found in the toilets, and, given the regular cleaning, someone had used cocaine at the Palace of Westminster just hours before the journalists arrived.

In 2019, the VICE journalists also found cocaine residue in four of the palace’s nine toilets using reagent wipes. Most of the cocaine was found in the toilet opposite the bar for high-ranking officials, parliamentary pool journalists, commoners and peers. This VICE raid was carried out after several prominent British politicians confessed to cocaine use.

In 2015, for example, the Deputy Speaker of the House of Lords, Lord Sewell, resigned after photos and videos of him using cocaine were leaked to the press. The scandalous series of images was published by The Sun. They show Lord Sewel taking drugs in the company of prostitutes.

In the summer of 2019, Michael Gove, the former Secretary of State for Environment, who was running for Conservative prime minister, publicly admitted to trying cocaine in his youth while working as an editor of The Times.

The current British head of government, Boris Johnson, has also previously admitted to using marijuana on several occasions, particularly in high school. However, the politician stressed that cannabis is much stronger now, and he has reconsidered his attitude towards it. But at the time, he made other confessions in an interview with GQ: “I tried it at university, and I remember it vividly. And it achieved no pharmacological, psychotropic or any other effect on me whatsoever.” Subsequently, during a press conference, in response to a Daily Mail reporter’s question about whether he had actually used the drug, Johnson evaded the answer, launching into an abstract speech about the essence of conservatism instead.

Drugs scatter in the British Parliament, says The Times: 11 of the 12 toilets inspected showed traces of cocaine and other class-A drugs, even though many premises needed a parliamentary pass to enter. Numerous traces of cocaine were even found near the private office of Prime Minister Boris Johnson. As the British newspaper tells us, there was a notice that marijuana could be smelled between the Houses of Parliament last month. Earlier, it was reported that two drug dealers were arrested in or near Parliament over the past year, and 13 people were detained for drug possession. Multiple sources now report regular cocaine use by a group of MPs.  For example, dozens of parliamentarians and parliamentary staff have shared their stories with the British newspaper on the condition of anonymity about their experiences of drug abuse in Westminster. One of them told how an MP openly snorted cocaine in the presence of journalists at a party. Numerous sources list the same names of several MPs of both parties who allegedly used Class A drugs in front of their colleagues at house parties. There is a thriving cocaine culture in Parliament, a Westminster old-timer confirmed in an interview with The Times. According to him, some people are constantly on cocaine.

The House of Commons is launching its own investigation and is proposing to use sniffer dogs, which have a proven track record in finding explosives, to detect illegal drugs.

In the last eight years, a long period of decline in drug use in the UK has been replaced by a sharp rise, the Daily Telegraph admits. Today, 2.6% of British adults admit to using cocaine, a third more than in 2013. The maximum sentence for anyone convicted of drug possession is seven years imprisonment in the UK. The publication is convinced that the main problem is the increase in cocaine use for pleasure, as today cocaine is more accessible than ever, and its use is socially acceptable.

However, while the level of drug addiction in Britain should be of primary concern to the Kingdom’s law enforcement agencies, the addiction of British parliamentarians, whose actions and decisions directly affect the country’s domestic and foreign policy, should seem to have been a concern to the British public long ago. Especially since the said scandalous situation with the British Parliament has been repeated for years. So isn’t it time the British got the occupants of the country’s primary legislative institution tested for drugs? Before they, in a drug frenzy, enact even more disastrous laws for the country than Brexit. Or adopt the law on the legalization of drugs. If the British manage to bring order to the current elite of the Kingdom, then, perhaps, they will not have to blush in front of the whole world for various antics and statements of such politicians.

Valery Kulikov, political expert, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.