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Ignorance and Russophobia

Gordon Duff, April 28


The roots of Russophobia run deep in the US. They go much further than censored or slanted media or political gameplaying in Washington. What has to, or at least should be accepted is that Russophobia is a belief system, just like a religion, but with no spiritual nature, no holy prophets but resembling the worst of religion. Russophobia is a religion of hate that no one understand or will acknowledge the root cause of.

Perhaps we might want to take a look.

We will examine how America’s view of the world took root due to the efforts of religious missionaries and was eventually hijacked by the Deep State.

We’re going to show how a powerful group, called the China Lobby, financed by massive American military aid, intended to fund Chaing Kai Shek’s fake war against Japan, bought Washington, “lock stock and barrel,” and began blaming Russia for the world’s ills.

Though Chaing himself was a lifelong communist and close friend of Stalin, as the Chinese rose against his ineffective rule after the defeat of Japan and began backing Mao tse Tung, a witch hunt began targeting pro-Russian Americans, anti-fascists, and blaming them for “losing China.”

A similar “blame Russia” effort went on when the US “lost Vietnam” to Ho Chi Minh. Few Americans remember or take note that Ho was America’s “man in Vietnam” against the Vietnamese and was, in actuality, placed in control of Vietnam by the US after the war.

It was only when France threatened to elect a communist government did the US back their colonial return to Vietnam which ended in the military defeat at Dien Bien Phu in 1954.

Similarly, in Korea, the US continued to back the Japanese puppet, Syngman Rhee, after Japan’s surrender in 1945. While MacArthur democratized Japan, America oversaw the slaughter of democratic elements in South Korea which led to the overall uprising that eventually brought in North Korea in what the US termed an “invasion.”

If this smells a bit of America’s actions in Syria more than half a century later, I think we can say that the pattern continues.

Deep Background

First of all, when one looks at the US in the 19th century and America’s view of the world, Russia is totally off America’s “radar” as it were. You see, America had gone through significant changes in population based on mass immigration and with that a greatly expanded economy, both industrial and rural/agricultural.

Americans began to look out at the world, everyday Americans and at that time, 85% of Americans were small farmers. The great majority of Americans were from English, German or Scottish background, Christian protestants and generally espoused progressive values.

Beginning in the 1840s, American missionaries began, en masse, deploying throughout China and Africa, economically supported by small farmers and merchants through their local churches. Americans followed the exploits, the successes and failures of their first “diplomats” as it were, as, across China and Africa, schools and orphanages were established, even trade unions and agricultural cooperatives.

Missionaries were typically anti-colonial and espoused both Christianity and American ideals of representative democracy despite the fact that, at home, slavery and women’s rights were raging issues.

It might well be said that those struggles themselves were taken on domestically and that there would have been no abolition of slavery without the opposition of religious leaders like John Brown who helped found America’s abolition movements from St. John’s Congregational Church in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1844. Brown was hanged on December 2, 1859 after leading an unsuccessful rebellion to free America’s slaves.

The subsequent conflict that stemmed, to a significant extent, from Brown’s efforts, led to 600,000 deaths and the end of American slavery.

Though Americans knew nothing of the world, Americans were deeply interested in 19th century China. That nation, ruled by the last of the Qing dynasty, which ended in 1912, was beset by the west, initially by Britain in two Opium Wars between 1838 and 1860.

Britain had been shipping opium to China from India through the Rothschild controlled East India Company until China outlawed this practice. America’s part in this was to provide shipping through the Cabot and Astor families, formerly the Cabota and Astoraga banking families of Venice, who partnered with the British to control world opium trade, not just BEI (British East India) opium but Turkish opium as well.

The great families of Boston, albeit resettled Sephardic bankers originally from Spain pre-1492, built their vast fortunes on opium and later heroin, trades that followed America to war in Central America, Vietnam and most certainly Afghanistan after 9/11. But then we were discussing China and the impact the West’s predilection with the narcotics trade had on that nation so long ago.

What isn’t commonly recognized is that, at that time, China was the largest economy in the world and exported products around the world.

After losing two wars with Britain and being inundated with narcotics, China suffered an economic collapse that it failed to recover from for 120 years.

Soon after Britain crushed China, the world’s other powers began carving China up, seizing her ports. This squeezed the US out of Chinese trade and deeply reduced Britain’s influence as well.

Thus, in 1899, US Secretary of State John Hay dispatched a series of diplomatic notes referencing an Open Door policy which would theoretically restore China’s sovereignty guaranteed by the US Navy with Britain secretly behind them.

Little did anyone suspect that a century of mayhem might result beginning with the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-5, an early step in collapsing the Russian monarchy, and beginning a continual Asian conflict to offset American expansionism as outlined in the naval polices espoused by Alfred Thayer Mahan. Mahan’s policies are now John Bolton’s policies and are threatening world war to this day.

How This Applies to Russia

After the First World War, much of Europe nearly succumbed to Bolshevism. The war itself was seen by literary figures such as Hermann Hesse as an end to both European civilization and Western culture. Mindless killing, seemingly without end, discredited every institution it touched.

It became clear that “democracy” was also for sale to the highest bidder as the US, the last “hold out” that may have pushed for an end to the conflict eventually was railroaded into full participation.

Were one to look at the name “Warburg,” the founder and first president of the Federal Reserve System, turning American finance over to the Rothschild banking cartel in 1913.

Keeping this as short as possible, Paul Warburg ran the Schiff banking house in New York. Back in Frankfurt in the 19th century, Schiff shared offices in Frankfurt with the Rothschilds and became their US agent.

According to a State Department memo dated November 13, 1918, titled “Bolshevism and Judaism,” the Warburgs though Loeb and Company in New York, financed the revolution in Russia and were the prime movers behind the Russo-Japanese war as well.

It is perhaps a misnomer to call these events a “Jewish plot” as they involved the entirety of the banking community, including JP Morgan and his London partners as well, but as it was Max Warburg that sent Lenin to St. Petersburg in 1918, the targeting of Russia and the financial control of America and her government became much of a joint venture from the late 19th century onward.

Post World War II

Whatever plots against Russia had transpired during and after World War I, including the “Red Scare of 1918,” everything changed when Russia and the United States became allies against Hitler.

What has long been a source of denial in the US has been the close relationship with American elites and Hitler. Not only was Hitler named Time Magazine “Man of the Year” in 1938, American patriotic organizations, the American First Committee, the Committee of One Million and even the American Legion, had seen Hitler as a hedge against the two major threats that plagued Wall Street elites, that of both Bolshevism and the potential for the outbreak of democracy.

With the Franklin Roosevelt presidency, a war over controlled Wall Street began, with America in full economic collapse due to the machinations of “the Fed” and a nation whose children were homeless and starving.

Roosevelt’s first acts were to end Prohibition and recognize the Soviet Union. Eight years later he would join the Soviet Union in a war on Hitler. However, after Roosevelt’s death in 1945, and the defeat of Hitler, that wartime relationship would end, a subject of endless study and speculation.

The China Lobby

With Roosevelt in power, American interest in China increased as did concern over Japanese expansionism across the Pacific. Japan had seized Manchuria in 1931 during the Hoover presidency and remained there until they were expelled by the Soviet Union in 1945.

By 1937, Japan had seized Shanghai and had gained control of China’s coastline and industrial areas.

This is where America’s history of missionary work in China comes to bear. It was 1931 when Pearl S. Buck, daughter of an American missionary in China published her book, The Good Earth, depicting the suffering of China’s peasants.

With an American public increasingly interested in China and Japanese barbarism in China filling America’s papers, an economic war on Japan set the stage for a wider war.

With that war, came economic interest in China and its ruler, Chaing Kai Shek, whose wife, Mai Ling Soon was the daughter of Methodist missionary Charles Soon and sister of T.V Soon, founder of the Bank of China and the Rothschild’s “man” in Asia.

Thus, though Chaing and Mao shared many values and even co-governed China for awhile ending in 1927, it was the Chinese Civil War, brought on by a betrayal of Mao by his Kuomintang partners, that allowed Japan’s incursions.

It was this situation, a Civil War in China that would only go “on hold” through an American brokered cease fire in 1942, allowing a war with Japan to go on, that was later “engineered” into a broad demonization of Russia.

This was done through the China Lobby, a reinvigoration of Washington groups who had, before the war, supported Hitler, seeing a chance to push an American dominated Europe into a position to follow Hitler’s “drang nach osten” (“drive to the east”) policies.

With this, any Americans who had worked with Russia or had joined socialist organization during America’s economic collapse, became “enemies of the state” and subject to HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) persecution.

Prime voice in this effort was Senator Joseph “Tail Gunner Joe” McCarty aided by attorney Roy Cohn, mentor to current President Donald Trump.

The Tainted Brush

The result has been 70 years where, whenever anyone trips and falls, Russia is blamed. The mechanism began with $500m of US aid to Chaing, which he reinvested through buying corrupt Washington politicians.

This cabal, now certainly a Deep State organization, were unleashed on Democratic President Harry Truman, they brought Eisenhower into the presidency, quite possibly eliminated the Kennedy brothers, rigged two Nixon elections, and have dominated American politics, with some exceptions, since their inception.

Thus, when America “lost China,” the Democrats were to blame. All political movements around the world were now “communist plots” that could only be contained through American militarism.

Donald Trump is the inheritor of Roy Cohn and, more than any president in recent times, is returning America to its expansionist roots. Blaming Russia has been just one “convenience” toward justifying century old or more efforts put in place by America’s opium barons.

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of  Veterans Today, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”