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The White House Shakes the World

Vladimir Odintsov, April 29

NEO 30The White House’s predilection for constantly subjecting the world and nations in various regions to convulsions and disturbances is well known.

After 1989, Washington began actively looking for ways to maintain its influence around the world. And if its strategy in those early stages did not manifest a clearly articulated belligerent and messianic attitude, such an attitude grew decisively evident with the rise to power of Bush the Younger, whose open aggression took everyone by surprise. In the era of George W. Bush’s administration, its organized disturbances of the world order most often took the form of initiating wars and armed aggression, including the invasions of Afghanistan (in 2001) and Iraq (in 2003), and the creation of a complete system of national missile defense (beginning in 2001). The world was further shaken on 29 January 2002 by the American president’s announcement of “revelations” in his yearly address to the US Congress and his proclamation of war against the so-called “Axis of Evil”– countries that, in the White House’s contention, sponsor terrorism, among which were mentioned the following states found uncongenial to the Washington administration: initially, Iraq, Iran, and the DPRK, later joined by Cuba, Libya, and Syria.

After Afghanistan and Iraq, the most serious convulsions generated by the US were directed at Libya and Syria, both after the election of President Obama.

However, the direct use of its own military strength and the sponsoring of protest movements are not the only forms taken by the White House’s active efforts in recent years to replace regimes it finds objectionable and subdue other governments. Washington and the CIA’s arsenal has lately given increasing priority to “scientific experiments” conducted by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), as well as secret research into recent significant developments in global climate change which have had devastating effects on the economy and the general quality of life of the citizens in many countries of the globe, particularly in Southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe.

In September 2009, at the initiative of Leon Panetta, then director of the CIA, a special Center on Climate Change and National Security was created within the Agency. Significant amounts of resources were set aside and continue to be made available for the financing of this program, which by no means uses them for the good of the population in said regions, who have increasingly suffered from climatological disturbances in recent years.

In recent times it has not been uncommon for national disasters (especially in the countries of Asia and Latin America) to occur as a result of convulsions caused by seismic activity. In March of this year powerful earthquakes took place in Chile, Nicaragua, Japan, and China, with aftershocks that caused damage in Greece, France, and many other countries. In January, New Zealand and Japan were also affected, as Indonesia, the Philippines, and Peru had been just before them.

It is surprising, considering contemporary developments in science and the perfection of the means for predicting the danger of natural seismic activity, that these events appeared to be unexpected and immediately gave rise to thoughts of “cruel fate” or a “cruel hand” testing the will and endurance of the population of Asian and Latin American nations.

Speculating about what “cruel hand” was behind these occurrences cannot but remind us of the many announcements in the information space of France and other countries in which attention has repeatedly been drawn to the existence in Australia (in the vicinity of Alice Springs) of a secret USA CIA military base called Pine Gap, which has at its disposal both climatological and seismic weaponry.

As has been noted in published reports on the base, it has more than 800 Americans working on the premises, consisting predominantly of secret agents of the United States NSA or CIA. The base’s reference data indicate that it is designed for purposes of communications with US spy satellites and reception from them of intelligence data gathered from different regions of the world.

It is curious that the base does not have its own aerodrome and is located at a remote distance from other inhabited areas. At the same time, according to countless statements by members of the local population, considerable quantities of food and various accessories are regularly transported to Pine Gap via the airport situated 16 km away, enough to sustain the autonomous functioning of the rather imposing underground townlet. The authors of a published work on Pine Gap were surprised to find that even members of the Australian parliament do not possess exact information regarding the nature of the secret US base’s activities.

However, according to data from other Australian and American periodicals, it is known that directly underneath the territory of the base there is a crevasse-cave stretching more than eight kilometers deep in the direction of the earth’s center. This fact has led several experts to suspect that the US security services may be using this natural singularity for the development inside the cave of a low-frequency antenna by the use of which a high-powered wave can be generated through the earth’s crust, capable of causing earthquakes and tsunamis, to be used by Washington as a seismic weapon.

Various scholars from around the world have already repeatedly documented the possibility of developing and using a seismic weapon. As early as 2000, at the Peoples’ Health Assembly in December 2000 in Dhaka, Dr. Rosalie Bertell referred to the possibility that US security services might develop climatological and seismic weapons.

At the time of the earthquake in Haiti in 2010, many observers investigating the causes of that disaster noted their suspicions that Washington may have used a seismic weapon to bring it about. In the end, however, no inquiries were made by the international community concerning this matter. Nor was any conclusive refutation of such suspicions offered by Washington, then or since.

Meanwhile, the world continues to shudder at the foreign policy and “scientific experiments” of the White House, which positions itself as the “bulwark of peace and democracy.” Yet how can those civilians who are dying as a result of secret military and special operations organized by the White House approve of Washington’s actions or those of its hidden soldiers? And is the USA then really such a bulwark after all?

Vladimir Odintsov, political observer, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.