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Georgian Election Interference – How Far Are the EU and the US Prepared to Go?

Henry Kamens, October 15

With Georgia’s elections approaching, the U.S. and EU increasing efforts to interfere in the election process, using intimidation, threats, and financial or visa-related pressures to influence the outcome in their favor, potentially undermining the interests of the Georgian people.

On Wednesday 9th, October, the European Parliament adopted a rambling, yet ominous resolution.

“On democratic backsliding and threats to political pluralism in Georgia”,

The resolution, which amounts to an imperial blatant demand for the unconditional surrender of the Georgian state to EU dictates, and it calls upon the Georgian government to repeal recently passed laws, including, but not limited to, the  Law On Transparency of Foreign Influenceand the package of legislation, On the Protection of Family Values and Minors”, which the EU deems “undemocratic” despite their widespread popular support in Georgian society.

One should draw parallels with Ukraine to see how that will end

The EU parliament accuses the Georgian government of “fostering a climate of hatred” with these laws, though little evidence is given for this accusation. It fails to mention the religious and cultural background, which prompted such legislation, which Georgians hold to be central to their culture.

The resolution went on to attack Georgian government for “police brutality against peaceful demonstrators” which, given the fact that the protesters in question were anything but peaceful, attempting to storm parliament, set fire to numerous police vehicles, and also severely injured policemen using Molotov cocktails, seems a rather vile twisting of the actual events.

The EU resolution also attacked Election advertising which compared the situation in Ukraine with the peaceful situation in Georgia, something that seems to have particularly irked the Europeans. They don’t want to fight themselves, but are adamant about wanting Georgia to open a second front, in order to take pressure off the rapidly collapsing Ukrainians.

This pressure has been being applied since before the SMO, and in the wake of the 2014 US organized and funded coup. Such demands are increasing as the situation for the western backed neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine continues to deteriorate.

A particular bile inducing quote from the resolution reads:

“This hostile rhetoric also applies to Ukraine, as the ruling party uses vile political banners depicting Ukrainian cities destroyed by Russia and profiting from the suffering of brave Ukrainians,”

So it’s “vile” to tell the truth? Well, we are dealing with Europe, I guess.

The EU also takes umbrage at the Georgian government’s election promise to ban the main opposition party, the UNM, due to its previous criminal activities, including starting the 2008 Georgian Russian war over the breakaway region of South Ossetia, which Georgian Dream Party Chairman Bidzina Ivanishvili placed blame for squarely on the Saakashvili government, and its foreign backers.

The EU also seem particularly irate at the proposal to hold criminal trials of those the government blames for starting the conflict in the first place, and the ruling party’s proposal to apologize to, and reconcile with, the Georgian separatist regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, as well as the government’s welcoming of Russian proposals to support the process, stating this:

“demonstrates a departure from the policy of recognizing the occupied regions by the Georgian government”

One should draw parallels with Ukraine to see how that will end. Ironically, Zelensky was elected on a peace ticket, promising to reconcile with the Lughansk and Donetsk republics, but quickly succumbed to western pressure to return to the expected confrontational approach taken by some of his predecessors.

We all know how well that has worked out, and the ending will be dismal for Ukraine. It is also obvious that the US and EU have no interest in a just peace, due to the loss of face they will suffer.

The scathing resolution goes on to attack Ivanishvili personally, calling him an Oligarch, and smearing his character in a diatribe worth quoting in full:

“[The European Parliament] condemns the personal role of Georgian oligarch Bidzina Ivanishvili, who returned to active politics on December 30, 2023, when he became the “honorary chairman” of the “Georgian Dream” party, in the current political crisis and in digging the foundation for the country’s Euro-Atlantic orientation in order to turn to Russia; The [European Parliament] once again calls on the [European] Council and the democratic partners of the European Union to impose immediate and targeted personal sanctions on Ivanishvili for his role in the deterioration of the political process in Georgia;[European Parliament] calls on the EU and its member states to hold accountable and introduce personal sanctions against all those responsible for undermining democracy in Georgia, complicity in violence against political opponents and peaceful demonstrators, and those spreading anti-Western disinformation; [European Parliament] welcomes the personal sanctions introduced by the US against Georgian Dream officials.

I have often been in two minds about Ivanishvili, but if a man can be judged by his enemies, he has gone up greatly in my estimation. It is like Ilia Chavchavadze, the famous Georgian writer and Statesman, once said, “Show me who are your enemies, and then I will know what kind of man you are.”

Ilia Chavchavadze made profound contributions to the national consciousness of Georgia. His quote reflects the importance of one’s character being defined not just by their friends, but by the opposition they face. It suggests that the quality of one’s enemies can provide insight into their principles, values, and moral standing.

Chavchavadze, a moderate Georgian nationalist, advocated for Georgian cultural identity, autonomy, and national unity under Russian protection. His work emphasized the connection between individual actions and the larger social or national struggles.

In the context of Georgian history and Chavchavadze’s vision, this quote is a reminder that standing up to powerful, corrupt, or unjust forces can serve as a testament to one’s integrity.

Squaring the Circle

Handwringing articles like those in the EU propaganda site “Politico” try and square this circle, while, quite ironically, noting that the government’s actions are popular with the majority of the public. Such articles state that Georgia must conform to the obligations and requirements demanded by Brussels. To me, this sounds far more like imperial demands, than any sort of mutually beneficial relationship.

Well, as said before, this is Europe we are talking about.

It should also be noted, that the terms “Grants” and “Funding” are used quite misleadingly. The vast majority of money from the EU comes in the form of LOANS. Loans which have a high-interest rate, and must, of course, be paid by the state. Which means hardworking taxpayers.

Of particularly ominous note in the resolution is the demand that the Georgian government “respect the will of the people” and ensure a “peaceful transfer of power”. Given that the election has not happened yet, and that polling shows Georgian Dream is almost certainly going to win the majority of popular vote, this can only indicate that the EU will not recognize the will of the Georgian people SHOULD they dare to vote in their own BEST interests, and NOT cave into the demands of Brussels or Washington.

All in all, the resolution is a giant vomiting of hypocrisy from a political organization that screams repeatedly about “Russian Election interference”, it seems that they are just projecting their own actions onto their strategic rival.

If, as polls predict, Georgian Dream wins the elections, what will the European response be? Certainly, they will use their network of NGOs, as was done earlier this year, to create violent protestsin fact, the US Embassy in Georgia has already issued warnings to its citizens about

“Unplanned, spontaneous protests that involve violence have also taken place in Georgia in the past. Large crowds are unpredictable, and confrontations between event participants, counter-protesters, and police may happen without warning,”

Which, to be honest, is cover for the fact the US and EU will be ORGANIZING the “spontaneous” violent protests. And from the so-called Rose Revolution in 2003, and other western backed Color Revolutions, we know they have a play book for how to change governments at will.

But this time around may not be so easy, as the Georgian government is ready to deal with such provocations. 2024 showed that it has the means and ability to respond to such actions.

The EU and US are hypocritical in their condemnation of Russian interference in Ukraine or Georgia, while actively meddling in Georgia’s internal politics to shape the country’s future in their one-sided favor


Henry Kamens, columnist, expert on Central Asia and Caucasus, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook

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