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How the US is Killing its Principal Competitor – the EU

Vladimir Danilov, July 24


It will hardly be a revelation for anyone that the United States, being historically the “stepchild” of Europe from where the mass-scale population of the New World began, has always manifested a jealous attitude towards their Alma Mater. This process has especially aggravated in the recent decades when America entered the path of severe competitive struggle with Europe in economics, trade and for global domination.

By pursuing the policy of weakening of the national elites and economy of the European countries, the United States managed to remove Europe from among its competitors.  In striving to become the sole “owner of the world”, Washington managed to destroy the old Europe and, leading the new political elite, with a focus solely on the White House to take its place there, to eliminate the then existing balance of opinions, finally weakening the European states. As the result, today both the European Parliament and the laws adopted by the US proteges in the EU are aimed at absolute abiding to the instructions coming from the White House. These instructions do not reflect even a visible European sovereignty and many of them are quite contrary to the interests of the residents of Europe. Regretfully, these new “American wave” politicians are those who play the first fiddle in the European policy. Washington stops at nothing in planting such obedient puppets with the EU decision-making bodies. To confirm this, it is enough to recollect the former head of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who was slandered when he tried to make decisions that were disadvantageous for the US. Yes, later it was found out that he had been slandered and that he was innocent, however the White House managed to remove the unwanted politician. Unfortunately, this is not a single case; apart from Strauss-Kahn, very many European politicians have been subjected and are subjected to similar pressure.

After the Ukrainian crisis, generated by Washington by bringing to power in Kyiv a manifestly Nazi regime, the US demands the European Union to impose numerous anti-Russian sanctions. Washington is far less affected by these sanctions as compared to its European partners, as the US is lenient to itself and tries not to be active in those spheres where its own economy may be seriously affected. Europeans especially suffer from such policy pursued by Washington in order to weaken the European Union as its competitor. As emphasized by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin at the 2022 St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, we see against this background how the economic and social issues in Europe have worsened, the prices for goods, food products, electric energy and motor fuel are growing, the quality of Europeans’ life is decreasing and enterprises lose their competitiveness. According to experts’ estimates, only the direct losses suffered by the EU as the result of the sanctions may exceed $400 billion in the next year. These costs are born directly by the European Union population and companies, the inflation growth in some of the Euro region countries has already exceeded 20%.

The US needs a half-starved and intimidated Europe, obedient to any signals from Washington. This is what the politicians, implanted by the US into various EU structures, are doing. Now, the most complicated situation is forming in the energy sector.

As you know, the reallocation of the hydrocarbon market has long been the main driver of the US geopolitics. The US has unleashed several wars, provoked coups and other conflicts in order to control this market.  In view of the fact that the prospects for the growing share of gas in the energy business have significantly increased, the interest of the US in obtaining the global domination in the gas market (promising, according to Washington’s plans, the possibility of increasing domination, as it happened back in the day with the US’s winning of the global oil market) has increased too. Based on the significant role played by the European market in this area, the White House, under purely artificial pretexts, started – via its controlled European politicians and media – the struggle against the alleged threat of the EU’s energy dependency on Russia; as the result, artificial hindrances for supplies of Russian gas to Europe started being created. The European Union, that has fallen into vassal dependence of the US, due to the policy pursued by Washington’s minions in Brussels, such as President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Council Charles Michel, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, has found itself in the conditions of gas and overall energy crisis.  After announcing the decision of the American Baker Hughes to stop servicing all Russian LNG projects the European market was thrown into particularly great disorder, as the US has wuthdrawn its service engineers from the Russian gas projects related to Europe. After promising to Europe to compensate the losses from reduced supplies of the cheap Russian pipeline gas with the American LNG, and thereby trying to become the main supplier of this energy resource to Europe, the US puts forward the hard terms for the European Union. According to Forbes, Europe should pay extra charges for energy resources in order to break the demand by the Asian consumers.

However, Washington did not cope with this task in practice, devoting Europeans to even greater misfortunes in July. Thus, due to an accident at the Texas Freeport LNG plant, the export terminal that provided for 68% of the LNG from the plant to Europe will not be operating for about three months. The situation in the European gas market was worsened by Ottawa’s disruption of the repair, maintenance and return of gas turbines for Nord Stream and the corrupt sanctions conspiracy of the US and Canada, which resulted in the forced reduction of Russian gas supplies to Europe.

All these have even more accelerated the growth of the stock exchange gas prices in Europe almost by 25%. Consequently, the stock exchange prices for gas have grown many-fold leading to increasing social tension in the EU countries. Thus, according to reports in the German media, gas prices for consumers in Germany may grow threefold, many enterprises are closed and go bankrupt.

Therefore an epiphany for Europeans about Washington’s blatantly provocative and anti-European policy in the “gas war” it has unleashed is inevitable.

The recent depreciation of Euro, on which the world has placed great hopes and which was regarded by it as the main rival of the US Dollar, became evident competitive struggle between the US and the EU. This has already produced a serious impact on the European countries, and the global economic development will result in failure, as written by Lyan Yabin, professor of the International Strategy Institute of the Central Party School of the PRC.

In the recent years, migration flow has turned into another theater of war between the US and the Old World. However, if earlier this was formed by thousands of refugees coming to Europe from the countries and regions subjected to the US military actions (in the first turn, in the Middle East and North Africa regions), in the last months this is formed by Ukrainian refugees. According to the data provided by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, their number exceeded 8 million due to the situation with the neo-Nazi rampage in Ukraine, inspired by Washington; as the result thereof, Russia was forced to begin the special military operation to counter the policy pursued by the current Kyiv authorities. It is worth reminding in this connection that as far as in 2017, when Europe was swept by a huge stream of refugees from Syria, the European Union, under the pressure from the public opinion, was for a long time refusing to host hundred thousands of immigrants from the Middle East. However the American consulting company McKinsey, closely connected to the CIA, crushed the European officials and developed the logistics for hosting and placing a whole million of new migrants in Europe. A similar situation is taking place now with the Ukrainian refugees: the EU have to spend significant funds at the expense of resolving the social problems of their countries.

Vladimir Danilov, political observer, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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