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Cynthia, the Runaway Fleshing Eating Bacteria, is Claiming American Lives

Jean Perier, July 18


The Alabama Department of Public Health has recently announced that has observed a new pandemic involving a potentially deadly flesh eating virus spreading like wild fire in the Gulf of Mexico area. The majority of those infected were swimming in the Gulf of Mexico, and had minor cuts or bruisers or ate raw seafood from this area. Upon infecting a human being the so-called vibrio compromises kidney and liver functions before spreading further.

It’s been reported that symptoms include nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, blisters around the wounded areas infected, swelling and redness. American health officials claim that 80% of the time, if people receive medical assistance within the first 24 hours of infection, they should be fine. They suggest treating the affected area immediately after contamination, including thoroughly washing the area with soap and water and disinfecting it with rubbing alcohol. However, this infection is highly resistant to antibiotics and if a person infected fails to seek medical assistance within the above mentioned time window, chances of surviving the so-called vibrio in most cases barely reaches 50%.

However, it’s rarely reported that if a person was infected via cuts or bruisers on their limb, the infected areas are transformed into un-treatable swelling ulcers that force medical practitioners to amputate the infected limb in a bid to save the patient’s life. Colonies of this bacteria grow rapidly in warm water, so the majority of infection cases occur in summer. Those who are living along the Gulf of Mexico coastline are increasingly concerned for their well being, no longer eating raw seafood and avoiding the seashore altogether. Local health authorities have reported dozens of cases this year alone.

However, there’s a number of journalists that remain convinced that those who were infected by a flesh eating bacteria are not suffering from the relatively harmless Vibrio Vulnificus, instead they suspect that the local population is suffering from the spread of Cynthia, the runaway flesh eating bacteria that was bred on demand by BP (British Petroleum) to combat its major oil spill in the same area back in 2010.

The fact that Cynthia was created in secret US laboratories only to be unleashed in the region without any prior studies into the possible consequences has already been reported. It’s clear now that oil spills were only the beginning, since now this bacteria is eating sea creatures and humans alike. The artificially created monster leaves little chance for survival to fish or seals, leaving both covered in swelling ulcers within hours after entering an infected area.

“Cynthia” is a synthetic bacteria, an artificial organism with an artificially engineered genome. Such artificial cells are rapidly multiplying, due to the properties of self-reproduction that were provided during the early stages of their design.

It’s curious that the entire coastline of the Gulf of Mexico is now covered with brownish, oily balls. According to a local chemist Bob Naman, those would infect anyone unfortunate enough to break them with their unprotected hands or would otherwise contact them. Should a person have an open wound, the contents of the ball will go straight into one’s system, warns the scientist.

A local blogger and activist, Alexander Higgins has cited a study conducted by to Columbia University, according to which after the oil spill in 2010, 40% of residents residing near the Gulf of Mexico acquired respiratory and skin diseases, and one in four thinks of leaving their current place of residence.

Cases of massive bird deaths, like the ones in Arkansas and New Orleans, just like massive fish deaths in the same region, are usually associated by the American media with Cynthia. However, when people become covered in ulcers only to die in agony after swimming in the Gulf of Mexico, they are being described as the victims of an unknown decease. Those infected have little chance of survival since Cynthia compromises their internal organs, causing profuse internal bleeding and death. Yet, the true scale of the tragedy remains hidden, while any mentions of human deaths caused by Cynthia are being suppressed at a governmental level.

Jean Périer is an independent researcher and analyst and a renowned expert on the Near and Middle East, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook“.