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Is the CIA’s ISIS Cult Already Collapsing in Iraq?

F. William Engdahl, September 17

6464564Since the early 1950’s, when the CIA station chief in Munich became aware of the effective use of radical Jihadist Sunni Muslims from the Soviet Union by Gerhard von Mende’s wartime Ostministerium, US intelligence has sought to use the fanaticism of radical Islamists to its advantage. In my latest book I call it, “Amerikas Heiliger Krieg.” The alliance of nominally Christian American forces with nominally Muslim Salafists to kill and destroy was justified with a peculiar American brand of self-appointed Holy Mission. In reality the alliance between CIA and radical Islam was never holy. The events surrounding ISIS demonstrate.

The CIA’s creation of Sunni Mujahideen “freedom fighters” in Afghanistan after 1979, with the essential aid of a Saudi named Osama bin Laden to drive the Red Army from Afghanistan was but the beginning of decades-long covert manipulation of Holy War Muslim fanatics to wage active war as surrogates for the geopolitical agenda of certain Washington circles. The Muslim fighters were sometimes purely mercenary, sometimes devout Salafists or Wahhabite Sunnis. The main point for the backers in Washington was that the Juhadists killed the right “enemy.”

The latest such attempt by the CIA and US Special Forces is ISIS in Iraq and Syria, and, if we are to believe their slick YouTube propaganda, that unholy terror of ISIS is “soon to come to your local theatres in Germany, England, Russia, USA.” ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, known by its Arabic acronym Daash, for “Dulat al-Islam fi al-Iraq wal-Sham” – “the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria,” is a Sunni Salafist organization that grew we are told, out of al-Qaeda in Iraq.

After a stunning series of apparent military victories in Iraq this past week or more, the myth of ISIS invincibility is apparently crumbling with astonishing rapidity.

Consider the following direct reports from Iraqi sources:

28th Aug: Moqtada Al Sadr meets with Ammar al-Hakim of the Islamic Supreme Council and releases a statement: We agree on the need to do a real partnership in Iraq to meet the security challenges in the country. Sadr has also stated that he acted on the wishes of the Marja (Sistani) when he opposed Nouri Al Maliki and made sure the latter had to step down.

28th Aug: Collapse of Daash: Kurdish Peshmerga forces are making rapid progress in taking back Zammar and Ain Zala to the north west of Mosul in Nineveh. Peshmergas are advancing from four directions and the Iraqi Air Force and US warplanes are carrying out airstrikes on Daash fighters in the area. In some cases, Daash fighters are abandoning their weapons and fleeing. 18 Daash fighters are picked up by advancing Peshmergas to the west of Zammar. 19 vehicles belonging to Daash are destroyed in air strikes. The Peshmergas are reported close to the centre of town. Daash fighters are mingling with civilians in an attempt to flee.

30th Aug: Mwafaq Hawijah Ali a leader of Daash dies from his injuries in a failed attack on the Baiji Refinery.

30th Aug: The Iraqi Ministry of Defence announces the freeing of 6 villages in Amerli and the destruction of 5 tanks and 5 vehicles belonging to Daash and the culling of 59 Daash Terrorist. Fa Inaa HizbAllah hum fi Ghalibun.

30th Aug: Peshmerga forces carry out a large scale attack to the west of Mosul under US air cover. The aim is to purge Daash from the area.

30th Aug: Sunni uprising against Daash: Qasim al-Fahdawi, MP from Anbar, states that Tribes in Anbar are drawing up plans to rise up and take back cities under Daash control.

31st Aug: Iraqi Security forces aided by Peshmerga fighters and backed by Shia militias start to attack Daash and lift the siege of Amerli.Fighters of Sadr’s Salam Brigades enter the town of Amerli amidst heavy fighting. Iraqi Security Forces and Peshmerga fighters break the siege and the back of Daash. Local “Shia” militias attack and free three towns to the east of Tikrit. They were backed by the Iraqi Air Force. The Peshmergas are reporting that the Daash fighters they are now facing have lost their “will.” They are using mosque loudspeakers to ask their fighters to leave the areas of Sulieman Bek.The Peshmergas retake three villages in Sulaiman Bek.

31st Aug: Jassim Mohammed Jaafar, a Turkoman Minister, confirms that Government forces and Shia militias have broken the siege of Amerli.Like the Nazis fleeing Soviet troops and surrendering to Allied Armies, Daash fighters flee towards the Peshmergas and away from Shia Militias. The Peshmergas report arresting/capturing 36 Daash fighters in their attack on Amerli.

1st Sep: Marthiya Afkham, of the Iranian Foreign Ministry congratulates the Iraqi Security Forces, Government, Sistani, and the people of Amerli for breaking the siege of Daash.

1st Sep: Kurdish Peshmerga and Iraqi Security Forces carry out a joint operation and surround the sub district of Sulaiman Bek. The morale of Daash fighters is believed to be low and many are fleeing the area. The Peshmergas and Iraqi Army liberate Suleiman Bek.

2nd Sep: Daash withdraws its forces from Daqouq after the breaking of its siege of Amerli by Iraqi Security Forces.

3rd Sep: Iraqi Air Force drops leaflets over Mosul warning residents to stay away from Daash’s headquarters about to be bombed and to avoid Daash vehicles. Daash evacuates its headquarters that are later bombed by the Americans.

3rd Sep: Tribal leaders from Anbar have voiced their support for the Iraqi Government and Haider Al Abadi and its fight against terrorism. They have requested the government to empower and allow local fighters to take on the terrorists occupying the cities of Ramadi, Fallujah and towns bordering Syria.

3rd Sep: The Iraqi Army has taken back control of Al Atheem dam in the north of Baqouba. The army’s operation was supported by air strikes and resulted in the death of an unknown Daash commander (Emir)

3rd Sep: Government claims for the day: 20 Daash fighters are killed in air strikes in Dhuluiya, south of Tikrit. More Daash fighters are killed in air strikes on Tikrit including a local Daash leader Khairallah Nayef al-Janabi. 45 Daash/rebel fighters killed in Fallujah including a Saudi national in air strikes in Fallujah…

Daash or ISIS or ISIL or IS, whatever the name, it is becoming more and more clear that the only real power of that rag-tag band of psychopathic criminals masquerading as religious Jihadists came from its “friends in high plaes.” Perhaps when the Saudi monarchy began to get nervous about the threat of an ISIS Jihad attacking the Saudi monarchy itself and the Saudis began to pressure Qatar to cut financial support to Daash the façade of invincibility began to crumble. Notable in this light is the report that a ‘trusted source’ close to the Saudi – Lebanese multi-billionaire and former Lebanese Prime Minister, Saad Hariri, said on condition of anonymity, that the final green light for the war on Iraq with ISIS was given behind closed doors, at the sidelines of the Atlantic Council’s Energy Summit in Istanbul, Turkey, on November 22 – 23, 2013. The Atlantic Council is one of the most influential US think tanks with regard to US and NATO foreign policy and geopolitics. The same source stated that the key coordinator of Daash military actions was US Ambassador to Turkey, Francis Riccardione. “As far as I know, nothing moves without Ambassador Riccardione”, the Hariri intimate added.

A former CIA private contractor, Steven Kelley told Iran’s PressTV in an August 28 inverview, that the ISIL is “a completely fabricated enemy. The funding is completely from the United States and its allies, and for people to think that this enemy is something that needs to be attacked in Syria or Iraq is a farce because obviously this is something that we created, we control and only now it has become inconvenient for us to attack this group as a legitimate enemy,” Kelley said.

The origins of the ISIS go directly back to the CIA-created Al-Qaeda and their role in the savage toppling of Libya’s Muhammar Qaddafi in 2012. The leader of the Libyan rebels later admitted that his fighters included Al-Qaeda linked jihadists who had fought against US and UK troops in Iraq. Those Iraqi Jihadists came from Al-Qaeda in Iraq, the name of ISIS before it was rebranded by the CIA. With the assistance of US and NATO intelligence and air support, the Libyan Al Qaeda rebels captured Gaddafi and summarily executed him in the street, all the while enthusiastically chanting “Allah Akbar,” of course in very democratic tones.

After Qaddafi’s overthrow by the US, hiding behind the skirts of France and the UK, after Gaddafi was overthrown, Libyan armories were looted, and massive quantities of weapons were sent by the Libyan rebels to Syria, including anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles, smuggled into Syria through Turkey, a NATO ally where US Ambassador, Francis Riccardione, sits, the man Erdogan last year threatened to make persona non grata. The times Libyan arms arrived on September 14th, 2012, just three days after Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed by the attack on the US Embassy in Benghazi. At that same time Jihadist fighters from Libya began flooding into Syria as well, including experienced commanders who had fought in multiple theaters. The US and its allies, especially Saudi Arabia and Qatar and to an extent Turkey, were now focused on taking down Assad’s government in Syria. As in Libya this regime change was to be framed in terms of human rights. It failed miserably.

And the horror YouTube purporting to show a lone, masked, black-clad ISIS psychopath on a hill savagely beheading US journalist James Foley, according to a British media analysis, was faked. A British scientific video analysis shows the knife ostensibly cutting the throat of Foley and not a drop of blood spurts out, nor does Foley make any frantic effort to free himself.

The video as well as the remarkably similar video of the purported beheading of journalist Steven Sotloff both show the same fully-black-masked executioner, dubbed in the British media as ‘Jihadi John’ as he suspiciously has a strong British accent. The perpetrators of that faked video are no doubt known to John Brenan, CIA Director and NSC advisor, Susan Rice and the Washington neo-conservatives determined to push President Obama into a full-scale war against Iraq and Syria, using their ISIS as the pretext. The operation seems to be falling apart on all fronts.

F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”