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France and Germany's "Fight" Against the Islamic State

The BBC has reported that Germany will now send aircraft to join France in its fight against the Islamic State (IS in Syria. Their article "German Tornado jets to help French against IS in Syria" reports...

Ulson Gunnar

Mad King Erdogan’s Oil Lies

Erdogan is claiming he stole no oil. He has threatened to resign if he receives proof. There is little doubt that Erdogan is insane, those who have been watching his dance of death with ISIS have known this all along. However, while Erdogan talks only of oil, there are other issues to note...

Gordon Duff

The Bleeding Wounds of Yemen

On December 1 acting President of Yemen Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi made a number of new appointments in his cabinet. Brigadier General Hussein Arab was appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister. Foreign Minister Riad Yassin was replaced with the more...

Maxim Egorov