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Bashar al-Assad: The Democratically Elected President of Syria

“Butcher”; “thug”; “dictator”; “murderer”; “savage”; “tyrant”; “oppressor”; “despot”. These are just some of the words that many in the Western world associate with the Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, after four...

Steven MacMillan

NATO Nuclear Scam on Iran Now Carved in Stone

The IAEA has finally retired the Iranian nuclear military use folder with a unanimous vote which clears the way to removing most of the sanctions. It has been a long day in coming, but the wooden stake was put through the vampire hearts of all...

Jim Dean

The Anti-Terrorism Act of South Korea and the Controversy Surrounding It

In continuation of the story of how South Korea is fighting against international terrorism, we would like to note the discussions around the potential adoption of a special Act on the matter. This...

Konstantin Asmolov