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Vietnam and the XII Congress of the Communist Party

The upcoming Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam may become an important milestone in the Vietnam's modern history. It is becoming increasingly clear that the so-called policy of renovation (Doi Moi in Vietnamese or, in other words...

Dmitry Mosyakov

Who is Responsible for the Suffering of Yemen?

As noted by numerous commentators on the Middle East, the situation in Yemen remains pretty grave. The country has been devastated by the armed conflict between the Houthis and the troops of ousted President Mansour Hadi, that are being heavily supported...

Martin Berger

Syrian Peace Will Be Decided on the Battlefield, Not in Vienna

The much lauded "peace deal" regarding Syria upon even a cursory examination reveals nothing more than the reiteration of Western demands versus a reassertion of Syrian defiance. The West seeks a "political transition" in addition to...

Tony Cartalucci