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US-NATO Invade Libya to Fight Terrorists of Own Creation

Up to 6,000 troops are being sent to invade and occupy Libya, seizing oilfields allegedly threatened by terrorists NATO armed and put into power in 2011. The London Telegraph, almost as a footnote, reports of a sizable Western military...

Tony Cartalucci

Turkish “Grey Wolves” Likely Responsible for Sultanahmet Terrorist Attack

The Turkish government has long been torn between being an ever-more belligerent regional power broker and a faithful US ally, ready to sacrifice itself for Uncle Sam. Wherever possible, it combines both strategies...

Seth Ferris

Kurds in the Syrian Crisis

Even though the Kurds played an active part in protest marches and demonstrations against Bashar al-Assad at the outset of the so-called Arab spring of 2011 and even were subject to repressions from the authorities, later during the Civil war they chose a...

Stanislav Ivanov