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Erdogan’s Plan, Islamic Empire or Armageddon

Turkey and Saudi Arabia have made their plans clear to an amazed world, a new Wahhabist empire, an “Islamic State,” not the one the puppet front organization ISIS is running, but a real one with up to a million men in uniform, over three thousand...

Gordon Duff

The Kaesong Complex Called Off: Another Scandal

Recently we discussed the story of how the South Korean intelligence service tried to accuse Russia of assisting the North Korean missile project, but under the pressure of circumstances and facts was forced to dismiss the statement...

Konstantin Asmolov

Ankara Blast: Catastrophe of Convenience

The fireball from this week's blast in Ankara had barely begun to fade before the world begun bracing itself for the predictable accusation that Syria's Kurdish YPG (People's Protection Units were behind the blast. This is because Turkey has developed...

Ulson Gunnar