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The Future of South Korea’s Domestic Politics: UN General Secretary to Become the President?

In the previous material we analyzed Ahn Cheo-soo, but at the threshold of the 2017 election...

Konstantin Asmolov

Refugee Crisis: EU Cites Missing Libyan Navy It Destroyed in 2011

News agencies are reporting on a Wikileaks report detailing the EU's "Operation Sophia," an allegedly covert military operation aimed at stemming the flow of refugees into Europe. The International Business Times in their report...

Tony Cartalucci

Nepal Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

Nepal is a small country caught as if between two fires, between two Asian giants - China and India. As you know, India is a China's main rival in Asia. Among other disputes, for many years now they have been competing for influence in Nepal. Both...

Sofia Pale