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Hillary Emails, Gold Dinars and Arab Springs

Buried amid tens of thousands of pages of former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's secret emails, now being made public by the US Government, is a devastating email exchange between Clinton and her confidential adviser, Sid Blumenthal. It's about...

F. William Engdahl

Russia's "Mission Accomplished" Moment in Syria

But unlike America's in Iraq, Russia actually has accomplished its mission. In what appears to be another carefully planned masterstroke vis-a-vis the US, NATO, and its Persian Gulf allies upon and around the Syrian battlefield, Russia has...

Tony Cartalucci

Would Moscow Persuade Damascus to Take Peace Seriously?

Late oMarch 14, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin summoned Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to the Kremlin in order to announce in front of numerous TV crews that Russia was beginning a partial withdrawal of...

Vladimir Simonov