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America's Fake War on ISIS Grinds On

A recent US Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC hearing considering the nominations of General Joseph Votel and Lieutenant General Raymond Thomas for command of US Central Command and US Special Operations Command respectively, exposed...

Tony Cartalucci

After Nuclear Deal Wall Street Still Wants Iranian Blood

When the P5+1 Nuclear Talks were completed, and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA was put into practice, jubilant words resounded from many places. The “reformist movement” within Iranian politics used the nuclear deal as...

Caleb Maupin

Will North Korea Ever Develop into a Nuclear Power?

The 2016 Inter-Korean crisis sent ripples throughout the entire region. It also promoted a new wave of discussions of whether South Korea should be armed with nuclear weapons. This theme is not new; just recall some of Chon Mon Zhong's...

Konstantin Asmolov