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Marlbrough s'en va-t-en Guerre

“Marlbrough is going to war” is perhaps one of the most popular French folk songs, composed by French soldiers in 1709, on the eve of the infamous battle of Malplaquet. These days this song is getting a new meaning in France, but...

Jean Perier

Avoiding Conflict in Asia Pacific's Waters

A look at a map of Asia Pacific, and one sees that it is a region dominated by bodies of water. Namely there is the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Andaman Sea, the Philippines Sea, the South China Sea and numerous gulfs...

Ulson Gunnar

Politicisation of Terrorism at the BRICS Summit

The fight against terrorism is increasingly a key issue for all countries, and it is quite natural that it has drawn the attention of the participants of the 8th BRICS summit. However, India has a particular interest in focusing...

Natalia Rogozhina