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How ISIS is Getting its Adolescent Fresh Blood

According to various studies, an ever increasing number of teenagers is being exposed to the aggressive militant propaganda. It comes as no surprise that "Islamic State" (ISIS recruiters have been the most active agents in this...

Jean Perier

Afghanistan: What has Fifteen Years of Occupation Achieved

It is now more than 15 years since the United States, with the willing complicity and assistance of Australia, invaded Afghanistan. The ostensible reason for the invasion was that the Taliban government was harbouring Osama bin Laden...

James ONeill

North Korea is an Pentagon Vassal State

If it weren't for the fact that he is absolute dictator of a country with a formidable army and nuclear missile technology, North Korean President Kim Jong Un, the 290 pound, 32 year-old ruler would be a clown figure. Unfortunately...

F. William Engdahl