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Will Trump Dump The Wahabbi Autocrats?

US leaders almost always justify their foreign policy with words about “democracy” and “human rights.” Especially when talking about the Middle East, the insincerity of such words are blatantly obvious. While US leaders criticize Iran...

Caleb Maupin

Netanyahu Scuttles Trump’s Russian Rapprochement

The game begins. Turkey and Saudi Arabia are unwilling to follow the Trump announced policy on Syria, and are now planning on redoubling their efforts to support ISIS.  In order to avoid an obvious confrontation with the US...

Gordon Duff

Thailand Between the TPP and the EAEU

On February 4th, 2016 the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP was signed. After ratification of the Agreement by all countries, which will take at least two years, a huge free trade zone uniting Australia, Brunei, Canada...

Dmitry Bokarev