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On China's Reaction to Dalai Lama's 14th Visit to Mongolia

International news agencies are already beginning to move ahead in the list of the top event involving a five-day visit (from November 18 to November 23, 2016 by the 14th Dalai Lama to Mongolia mainly due to the publicly expressed...

Vladimir Terehov

Egypt's Shifting Position May Tip the Scales in Damascus' Favor

In recent days, a number of Arab media sources started speaking about Egypt's growing involvement in the Syrian war. In particular, with a special reference to the Lebanese agency As-Safir...

Jean Perier

So, Should We Really Compare Aleppo and Mosul?

Exactly one month ago at his briefing in the Department of State Press Briefing Room John Kirby announced thatThe situations in Mosul and Aleppo is radically different, it is absolutely not the same, and to compare the two is...

Grete Mautner