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Who is to Blame for Afghanistan’s Opium Frenzy?

Over the last forty years of Afghanistan’s tragic military history (the war in the 1980s, the civil war in the 1990s and the US occupation since 2001, opium has always played a role in the fate of the country. The sad irony is that Afghanistan’s unique ecology coupled with US military policy in the region has turned the landlocked country into the world’s first...

Vladimir Odintsov

On the Trade and Military Agreement between Iran and China

In the last two or three months, leading media around the world have been paying attention to the “imminent” signing of a bilateral document, described as a Trade and Military Partnership, between China and Iran. The New York Times claims to obtain "an 18-page proposed agreement". This may well be the case, as...

Vladimir Terehov

US Presidential Elections and the Korean Peninsula

In the United States, participants in the presidential election that will be held on November 3, have been determined. The Republican nominee is the White House's current head, Donald Trump, and the Democratic nominee is former Vice President Joe Biden. In this context, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea has launched a working group...

Konstantin Asmolov