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Tensions Continue to Swirl around the “Taiwan Problem”

An overarching “Taiwan problem” continues to gravitate toward the center of the entire system of relations between the two leading world powers, and it is becoming the focus of a regional political vortex that is sucking in other players that hold varying degrees of significance. As is always the case with this kind of event, the developments that go along with it are characterized...

Vladimir Terehov

The Confrontation in the Eastern Mediterranean is Not Subsiding

The standoff taking place in the Eastern Mediterranean, despite attempts on the part of the international community to reduce its intensity, is unfortunately not calming down. In the beginning, in September, the first preconditions arose for Ankara to tone down its demonstration of intransigence in its efforts to gain access...

Vladimir Odintsov

Qatar Draws Widespread Attention

Over the course of the last decade, Qatar’s media coverage was due to its role in staging and putting into motion a number of Color Revolutions. The country acted as a sponsor for training and preparation programs for influencers and bloggers on organizing mass protests via social media. In addition, according to multiple media reports, the Emirate’s authorities...

Vladimir Platov