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Will the Forum in Tunisia be a New Milestone on the Road to Peace in Libya?

The international community has recently taken many steps aimed at regulating the conflict in Libya, and the wider situation in that country, and there have been several rounds of talks, in various formats, both political and military, between the main Libyan factions. In the military talks the participants agreed to split the senior...

Valery Kulikov

Afghanistan’s Fate Decided by Narcotics, Not Politics

Today, sources in Afghanistan have confirmed a “fact” that runs totally against what is reported, that a prominent CIA officer rumored to have died in a plane crash, is being held by Pakistan’s ISI. The individual involved, Mike D’Andre, according to sources, is responsible for the murder of General Soleimani, an Iranian diplomat, and of hundreds of Iraqis as well...

Gordon Duff

On the Development of DPRK's Nuclear Capabilities

Having recently reported on the development of the nuclear missile arsenal possessed by DPRK the author would like to touch upon the capabilities that North Korea has regarding weapons of mass destruction. Number of nuclear warheads According to a report from the US Army Training and Doctrine Command, North Korea has from 20 to 60...

Konstantin Asmolov