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Will Ties between Morocco and Israel Foster Peace?

"Israel and the Kingdom of Morocco have agreed to a full-fledged diplomatic relationship," US President Donald Trump wrote with evident satisfaction on Twitter on December 10th, emphasizing in particular that the North African kingdom was the fourth Arab country over the past four months to announce that relations with Israel would be normalized...

Vladimir Danilov

Turkey Making Ties With Israel

In recent years, one can more and more often find articles in various media about Turkey’s apparent desire to develop and strengthen its diverse ties with Israel. New Eastern Outlook has also repeatedly addressed the issue of assessing the current state of relations between the two countries, dealing with one issue in particular: Turkey and Israel: Enemies or Allies? Relations between the two countries...

Vladimir Odintsov

China Completes its Beidou Satellite Navigation Network

Earlier this year China launched the final satellite in its Beidou satellite navigation network. The completion of China's Beidou network makes it the fourth network of its kind and capabilities alongside the US Global Positioning System (GPS, Russia's GLONASS, and the European Union's Galileo network. Conceived in the 1990's with the first and second versions...

Ulson Gunnar