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Discussions on the Afghan Problem Continued in Tashkent

Another meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO foreign ministers held July 13-14 in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, mainly discussed the Afghan problem, where the level of uncertainty (and the danger to neighbors is sharply increasing due to the accelerated withdrawal of the US and some NATO countries’ remaining military...

Vladimir Terehov

Are Egypt and Turkey on the Path to Reconciliation?

In recent years, relations between Egypt and Turkey have been complicated on several fronts. There has been no relationship between Cairo and Ankara since 2013 (i.e., when the Egyptian coup d’état took place. Much of the foreign policy conflict between the countries is due to the fact that Turkey is actively seeking to take control of the Arab world, in which Egypt sees...

Valery Kulikov

Lebanon in Distress is On the Verge of Collapse

The situation in Lebanon has deteriorated markedly in recent weeks, with mass protests over the deteriorating economic crisis and political collapse that have taken place in the country over the past three years. Protesters block roads and streets, set fire to tires and trash cans, protest insane price increases, another drop in the national currency against the US dollar...

Vladimir Platov